zondag 24 december 2023

Good evening at the 24th off December, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was grey, cold and rainy outside. It promises to become a wet Christmas. 


It's  Christmas eve, I have been here all day, but mom has been sick in bed all day, and there is a big chance she caught Corona. Not due to me, but due to circumstances, as how she thinks it was. Tomorrow she'll get out off bed again, she promised. But today was not the best day since she got so sick. Short before Christmas, we all got sick. Luckily to have caught Corona recently makes me immune for it now. All I could do was to bring mom a cup off tea. Other than that, she wanted nothing. 

Corona has hit hard on me and my surrounding these months. Luckily nobody died due to it. 

Tomorrow will be Christmas. This evening is to survive. I can deal with it, but it doesn't make the best holiday memory ever. 

Mom is tough. I have the idea she will overcome. But for now, it's doing hard for her and suffering. 

And sometimes, this is all I need to share with you for this evening, and other inspiration has run dry for now. So it's something for later on, hopefully. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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