woensdag 6 december 2023

Good evening at the 6th off December, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's less cold than the previous days, but it still has been cold outside, though it was sunny. 

Someone ordered two cakes for his birthday celebration tomorrow, at de Boed. I baked them and used baking parchment because the cake usually doesn't come out even. It's a bit better now, and it looks... rustique in it's wrapping paper with a little imagination. They're two raisin cakes. Stuffed with a good amount off raisins. That's why people love them. Actually I prefer to do them with prunes and golden raisins, but these are not affordable anymore, so they have to do with common raisins. To stuff well with a lot off them does it nowadays. It keeps people satisfied with these. And offcourse dusted off with icing sugar. They're paid for, that's why we have them tomorrow. 

It's even better in my opinion, to bake these on a day when the meal is pretty boring. (Tomorrow is for potatoes and cauliflower) Not to make it even more frumpy, but simply to help people deal with it a bit better. Usually our days aren't quite good, but now there's at least a slice off raisin cake with our afternoon coffee. We live quite old fashioned. The people here are... err, quite nostalgic. 

But well, they love raisin cake. I think I make them feel a bit nostalgic, or it's really tasty in their opinion. I created a new small crisis hit with it. It's still affordable, and it's loved. I don't know what I'm to do when prices increase even more. But so far, I can still provide it every often. It's on yoghurt base. 

I think I would like a man who says my home made raisin cake is the best off entire Zaanstad. But there are a lot off people at de Boed who think so and who love it. And I don't fall for them. Why does the gras always seem greener on the other side? But still, a man who loves my cake and my other cooking would be quite complimentous to me. I have a space crowded with people who think so. It's called de Boed, but maybe the crowd isn't youthfull enough for me. And real, common youth usually doesn't appreciate a slice off raisin cake and a fresh cup off coffee. I'm a young woman with the soul off a mature old woman, but with the mindset off someone youthfull and still cheerfull. And at de Boed, he's not there. I can't explain. My man simply isn't among them. 

I could receive an award from de Boed and the Zaanstad mayor for cooking, but it would not be as perfect as mister Right declairing my food the best. But maybe that's a bit unemancipated. 

But you know the saying, it's either luck in 'the game.' or in love. I probably have more luck in the game off life. Despite not being rich, mentally ill and fat. So that doesn't really count for me either. I could complain an entire weblog about being single. It was probably just imagnation: Mister Right telling I prepare the best raisin cake and meatballs off the entire Zaanstreek. (Usually I don't make meatballs. But day-dreaming this makes me want to prepare them at de Boed for dinner some time.) It's a bit old fashioned. Frumpy, and dusty. But still complimentous. 

Well, as long as my costumer loves these cakes. That's most important about them for now. He and the people at de Boed, and hopefully it helps them deal with another day off vegetables, potatoes and meat. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.          

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