maandag 18 december 2023

Good afternoon at the 18th off December, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cloudy, somewhat windy and cold outside in the Netherlands. 


Today I called another day sick from Corona. Yesterday I believed I could have coffee and lunch at de Boed, but today I feel sick again. I believed I was better because I could taste and smell again. But this virus is tricky. In the evening, I felt sick as a dog again. I hope I haven't infected someone at de Boed while being there. I have had no negative test yet. De Boed is out off them. But I have the idea I'm still sick. Sometimes I'm not the most brilliant person out there, attempting somewhere when still being sick. But I truly believed I got over it. I see it as my responsibility not to infect others. But there is a big chance I have yesterday. I feel stupid due to it. 

So today is for staying in, listening to Sky Radio Christmas and painting my nails with nail polish from the Essence advent calendar. I think it's nice stuff, especially the dark one I have already unpacked. Essence did a great job with their advent calendar this year. It's really fun and it has nice products. I painted my hand nails with the dark one, and my toe nails with the matte baby pink one. It's pretty. 

I called off the hairdresser for this week due to Corona. Like said, I see it as my responsibility not to infect others. And I befriended my beauty specialist, since I think she's a nice person. She doesn't deserve to get sick due to me. So, long uncut hair this Christmas. It's like this every time. As if it's jinxed short before the holidays. Sometimes it also happens short before Easter she gets sick and the Easter haircut doesn't happen. (This year.) This year's Christmas I got sick short before the holidays, and I don't look my best that day. It's a bit off a bale situation and it's usually that happens. 

The health care lady who helps with cleaning this home also had to be called off due to Corona. I'm going to try to change bedsheets myself tomorrow. Usually, she does that. But maybe I'm capable to do so. I own a winter / Christmas bedsheet with the image off pine trees in a snow surrounding. It's about time to put that one on this week. Let's give it a try and try so myself. I hope it's not too bad when it's all messy. But I'm sick, and to keep it hygienic I simply have to I think. 

Somehow Christmas songs don't get boring today. It's good for the ambience in this small home. I enjoy listening to them today. I have a pot off sage tea in front off me, and I'm not doing too bad. It's just your typicall 'Sicking something out before Christmas.' situation today. Which is not too bad. I could do worse. Now it's simply waiting untill my immune system wins over Corona truly. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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