vrijdag 15 december 2023

Good evening at the 15th off December, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cold, cloudy and rainy outside. And forecasted it will be for the rest off the weekend. 


I caught Corona, for the second time in my life. I have to stay in and stay away from people most off the time. It also requires more washing, and keeping myself perfectly hygiënic. It's something I can keep perfectly well to, weird as it may seem. It's perfectly maintained by no one but myself, but these days it's an emergency which requires so. The first time I caught Corona, all I could do was lay in bed and do nothing. That's probably been about three years ago. 

These days, and a few vaccines and a better immune system later, I can walk around a bit better. But I still have Corona symptoms. Which require bed rest most off the time, but nowadays at least I have the energy to be up and do basic hygiene for myself. And after lunch I'm in bed untill dinner, which I take away from de Boed, since I'm not allowed to eat there with Corona in my system. I'm allowed to take away food from them, and I'm capable to do so. Lunch I eat at home. 

I can barely taste and smell anything. It's almost Christmas and I had purchased some shower stuff from The Body Shop to wash with. It's just that I can't smell it and it has to be on the shelves again since it'd be such a waste to use it nowadays. I'm onto every day wash and body butter and common laundry wash and softner. It's strong stuff, but I can't smell it. Still I love the feeling off being clean. I clean myself and drink plenty off green tea. I also change pyjama's regulairly to stay hygienic. I don't know if it works. You're supposed to when you're sick. I don't know if my routine has any real effect. Or if I could have let it being handled by my immune system alone and simply live like I always do. But something in me has this strong urge to nurse myself these days. To be fresh. 

It's almost Christmas, but I'm not certain if I can celebrate it with my mom this year, or if I have to stay home and in. It's difficult and uncertain this year. My first concern over Christmas make-up, is my face being washed and fresh these days. I have purchased some Christmas Make-up, but I'm not certain if it's off use next week. Aside to that, I can't taste the Christmas dinner they are likely to prepare. That's a bit ungratefull, And my family would be in certain danger if I would come to visit, I don't want to infect them. With Corona down my spine, I better stay home. Washed, fresh, but too unmade up for Christmas to show up anywhere but around a mental institute like de Boed. But for keepsake and safety reasons, that would be the best option this year. 

I had an appointment with the hairdresser short before Christmas, (Upcoming Tuesday) but I better call that off either if I happen to be this sick. I don't want to infect her. This week I'm fine as long as my manes are washed and clean. Simply to survive, and hoping I will be capable to go to visit mom next week. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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