maandag 11 december 2023

Good morning at the 11th off December, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Tonight it's cloudy, rainy and stormy. I can hear the wind blowing from out the window. I still have my curtain closed, but it's clear it's a small storm. 


It's 01:40 AM, and I can't catch sleep. Something stirred me out off my sleep yet, and now I'm fully awake. 

I should sleep, since I have a small flu. Runny nose, small headaches and coughs. People who had it themselves say this one can last up to five days. And it's quite persistent. It's not big enough to call myself sick tomorrow at de Boed, but annoying enough to feel unwell during daytime. I should sleep, but I could not catch it tonight.

That's with living in a care organisation with several others and care takers who run in and out: it influences worse than the internet. (The old understanding off influencing was infecting others with a sickness.) But, well, de Boed is a harch off infections. It was a matter off time before I caught this one with all those sick people around me.   

I should sleep to get rid off it, but something keeps me from sleeping and it's the second time it does. Two days ago, I got the same and got awake by the same feeling around 04.00 AM. I can't describe what it is. 

I'm glad I have a tissue box on hand, my nose requires an insane amount off tissues at the moment. I'm going to need a few more for this one. 

Aside to that, it's going to be Christmas, so I'm going to bake next week like there's no crisis going on. So to say, for the first time this year, I'm going to purchase items for baking. The rest off the year was for working with left overs and items that 'had to be finished.' So I purchased small amounts off ingredients for it. Or it was for other people's birthday, so they did buy. Or the cheapest I could still afford. but this very week I can afford to bake a scrumptious chocolate Christmas bundt cake. I will inform you all later on, when it's there. It's going to be my masterpiece this year. 

I decided on to cancel the plan to bake for de Boed during actuall Christmas day, and celebrate it with my mom. I bake for de Boed quite often during the year, but I only have one mom, whom I barely have seen this year. I'd rather celebrate it with my family. Boring and decadent or not. Just being there is better. 

Both mental and physicall health don't like a girl who doesn't catch enough sleep, So I'm going to try again. Hopefully I will get rid off this flu as soon as possible, but just like service, it takes a few weekdays before getting it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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