dinsdag 5 december 2023

Good evening at the 5th off December, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's cold and cloudy weather, I hope most kids can say Sinterklaas has been lucky to have arrived not frozen stiff on his horse for their present evening. 


De Boed's Sinterklaas party was not that boring at all, they have done their best to make something out off it for us. They had two fellow clients who love to do so dressed as Sinterklaas and Black Pete. They had kruidnoten and chocolate letters for us, and they deserve bonus points the chocolate letters where picked well and not just a cheap random milk letter, but duo S (From 'Sinterklaas.') Milk and white both in a fancy duo letter. They really made something cool out off it. They had it for all clients. They had hot chocolate with whipped cream, and small chocolate kruidnoten for us on the tables. It was quite crowded. People who usually don't visit, came especially for Sinterklaas today. They did an intervieuw with Sinterklaas, and though the humor was a bit lame, he performed well as Sinterklaas and it's a chapeau for the person who played Sinterklaas. 

At home, I felt like eating the letter and I ate it entirely. I felt I had enough chocolate for today, but I have been almost hoarding Sinterklaas chocolate on a discount at the supermarket yesterday. So I have been donating two bags to the give away closet this afternoon. To have eaten all off that myself would have been too much. But now I gave some Sinterklaas treats to a stranger today. I really don't know who picks the stuff from the give away closet. But that's it's power: both giving and taking can be done entirely anonymously, especially when the hallway is empty. Though I know some people saw me donating a few times. One time I directly handed something to a fellow client immediately, so about that one I know. But usually it's for strangers. And on the other hand, my problem with getting rid off chocolates was solved that way. And the bottle off Vanilla Pumpkin showercream probably has been received well. 

I never take from the give away closet myself. There's never something in it I would like to have. Usually people seem to dump old books and DVD's in it. There are good titles among it, but I do hard concentrating, so I don't read or watch much. And I'm good in items I need. I have a storage room filled with everything to survive the next months. I don't need anything. In an impulse, last donation for today, I have been donating Robijn Zwitsal laundry wash and softner. One bottle off each down the hallway. Because I felt fed up with price increasement and felt like 'I could do that.' for someone. (Robijn is a very expensive brand. Most people who live here love it, but can't afford or can't afford anymore.) It's an act off rebellion against price increasement so you could see it. I had to protect myself against donating more. Since I know I have to pass some time with the boxes myself. 

I decided to donate a Christmas gift each Sunday these weeks, one on Christmas eve, and one on Christmas day itself. And then only when I need something myself again and I can miss it. That way, it's a little more sober, but probably more acceptable. Since every day is something from before the crisis. And I'm not a millionaire either. Sunday makes it a bit more special. I hope the donations will get to reliable people. Not one person for four to five gifts since that's a bit unfair in my eyes. But simply one for each finder. 

I have the feeling I won't be so generous again after prices have truly enlowered, and the world is back to normal again and I feel people could easily purchase it themselves again, also on a low budget. I believe that time will come, long or short term, and my generousity is no longer this much needed. That counts for those Christmas gifts. Every day items from multipacks still will be donated out off charity. Or should I continue? 

For those truly poor, it sure is a good thing to have such a thing on hand. If I was old, very poor and dependant, I would love someone who regulairly donated shower gel and laundry wash. Those people also don't have access to the internet. So they can't purchase on massive discounts themselves. I believe they think I won the lottery or something when they see my donated items. I know the prices in stores, I also know it comes from a good and well ment heart. It's small effort to me, and I truly believe I do well in the eyes off the higher being. It also has a truly spiritual side to donate to me. Maybe I'm earning my place in heaven by it. Or my angel wings. I don't know, but it surely feels good to help others this way. Karma is a good thing. And the world and this country especially, can use this kind off positivity. The Netherlands is dwelling in cranky negativity lately. I just hope it will be received well, by several people. Not just one profiteer who takes them all. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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