dinsdag 5 december 2023

Good morning at the 5th off December, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's a bit above freezing point. It's cold and dark outside. 


I was so brilliant to drink too much coffee yesterday, so I have a hard time catching sleep around 00:30 AM. 

Sinterklaas chocolate was on a discount yesterday in the local supermarket, so during Monday Grocery time I purchased some for today. I had some yesterday. Maybe it's not a good idea when you wish to catch sleep, but little makes a grown up woman feel better than a good cup 'a Joe's and some chocolates siding it. Though the effect off all that caffeine and sugar lasts a bit long tonight. 😒 

Maybe the Sinterklaas party at de Boed is all I need tomorrow to set my mind off off things.  

Today I decorated the small Christmas tree I purchased at the local supermarket, with decorations from previous year. I didn't purchase anything new, except the tree itself. It's small, it's cute, it's table size and it makes the spirit off Christmas come entirely to life in my small home. It's integritly decorated for times like these. But it's a nice sight. It was 6 euro's only, and it's all I've spend on Christmas decorations this year. All the other decorations come from storage. 

I think tomorrow I will be tired from bad sleeping. Maybe I will need to put my winter clothes aside for next year for a second time this year. Not purchasing new winter sweaters, but simply use what I bought previous year again. If my clothes survive this winter, and still look acceptable - then why not? It saves out a lot to save on winter clothes by wearing previous' years items. And placing previous' year's decorations for Christmas isn't so bad either. If I wouldn't have over-splurged on Christmas cosmetics, I think this year's Christmas would not have been pricey at all. I won't visit the fam this year, so I will save out on gifts. (Which I would otherwise also do. And asking a lot off their understanding. Simply because they have to.) 

As far as it goes, it goes well. I just have been spoiling myself a bit this season. My actions have been a bit selfish, but I have been sober with my money all year. I believe I deserve it to spend a bit this season. To be sober for the rest off the year again. That's how I do it this entire year. I think the environment is gratefull towards me for not over-consuming like I used to, and my body doesn't hate on me for not stuffing myself with holiday chocolates the entire season. See, there's something positive in the negative this year. I have been spending a bit compared to what I used to. I spend on nice boots, and on black, ugg- like boots on a discount this year. But that's all. Even my socks are from previous year. And I wear previous year's Christmas Pyjama's. There's nothing wrong with that. It's all regulairly washed and it still fits perfectly.  

And at least I'm not freezing. Leviaan owes up for our energy, so I can afford to be warm and lighted this entire season. (During Summer, I was so good to put the central heating off entirely, but this season I need to be warm, so it's on again.) Just like previous year, when it was sky high. I'm a lucky bird to live here. 

And another method: A storage room filled with bathroom products. I purchased a lot off boxes from A-brands on a big discount on the internet. At least me and my clothes are washed, and I can drink fresh coffee each weekend. (I drink coffee at de Boed during week days. But yesterday I allowed myself some, but there was space for it.) It may sound silly, but people in the Netherlands can't afford it anymore, but I can simply by shopping smart online. It's not top class luxury, but in these times, prices in stores for these items are murdurous. So it's a good idea to have 'em in your storage room this winter. And due to that, I had a little space for small charity this year. I have been a good girl. 

de Boed takes care off my lunch and diner, and I pay a small amount off money for it. The quality off the food varies. It's not always good, and sometimes it's downright bad, but most off the time it can pass for an every day Dutch week day meal. I pay 5 euro's a meal for it. And a small amount for my lunch. Around 2,50 for ordinairy slices off bread with bread toppings, milk and tea. And I share bread and bread topping packages with fellow clients. Prices have enhighered previous year, but are not too high. It's affordable for someone who is very poor and that's what they keep in sight, since clients are incredibly poor most off the time. I'm on the rich side off poor, so I have no trouble affording. One way or another, I can eat, and all I have to afford is breakfast. I simply eat b-brand granola in a bowl with milk, sided with a banana and a large glass off multi fruit vitamin juice. It's acceptable and tastes well. But I can't afford a weekend breakfast anymore. On the other hand, all those vitamins in the morning work against depression and winter blues. So I have the feeling it's good. Though it can't be proven by science. 

My income mainly covers the basics. I have little space for luxury like baking anymore. But it's because I pick A-brands for washing and still prefer to eat fruits and healthy foods most off the time. I can still afford. And I'm still healthy these days. I don't go out, I don't smoke, I don't have much in life, I just eat, be warm and washed. It's just covering the basics. I thought it would make me feel depressed, but I'm too buisy surviving. It's not too bad to be in this state off mind. It's a mindset I'm familiair with. I have the strange feeling I can do it this way. As long as this care institute keeps it the way it is, I will stand firm. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.         


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