zaterdag 2 december 2023

Good morning at the 2nd off December, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today is a cold and cloudy day in the Netherlands. 

December has started, I already unwrapped box 1 and 2 from my Essence adventcalendar. I must say, the gifts are quite good. 


December is for the holidays. I had planned to save out on it, but I failed and I went wild on holiday shower stuff and make-up from expensive, cruelty free and green brands. I can't resist. 😔 It's my weakness. The whole year, I'm kinda sober. I even saved out on winter clothes and I usually am sober with my money. Especially during this crisis. But holiday cosmetics? Just too good. I love myself some. A whole lot off it, actually. I believe I have to take it sober again for the rest off the year, but this year I have been playing Santa Claus for myself. But the magic off holiday scents and make-up from my favourite brands is enough to make me seriously splurge on it. Allright, I'm no saint after all. I'm just a girl with a holiday cosmetics tic. But I decided to let myself since I am just a girl who 'needs it every often.' to do so. I think I should not be so harsh on myself and let that part off myself get the hand again when it's January and things go depressingly back to normal these days.  

Today it's Saturday. I have also been re-filling some stock items (Also shower stuff), and that means luck for the people who take from the give away closet. Today there will arrive a multipack off showergel, and yesterday was for two tubes off toothpaste in the morning for them. A box off body butter arrived in the evening. I didn't feel like going out to the hall late in the evening in PJ's, my hair all messy since I was in bed already when the parcel arrived. (The mail delivery guy saw me like that. But it could be worse.) I decided to wait untill today. If the shower gel has arrived this afternoon, the person who finds this donation has both a shower gel and a body butter for today. The rest off it goes into my storage room. 

I also have been donating some small gifts Yves Rocher sends with their parcels. Small bottles off limited edition shower gel and two make-up bags. (I kept one make-up bag myself.) Their shower gel doesn't do well for my skin, but maybe someone else likes it. haha, I give away small gifts for the holidays this season. Their make-up and perfumes I like to keep for myself, though. 

Lately I have also been donating a (Medium sized bottle off) perfume which I found more suitable for elder ladies, and a mascara I had left. Maybe someone catches a man due to it. Fluttering their eyelashes and smelling like some olden days goddess. I also have been donating toilet paper and festive handsoap these days. It's always good to give. 

And then my 5th off December gift: A bottle off Vanilla Pumpkin showergel from The Body shop. It's by accident. I thought I ordered two off them, but I turned out to have received three. I could keep the third myself easily, but it will be a Sinterklaas donation to the give away closet. The person who finds it is extremely lucky. These bottles sell for 7 euro's each. (But it's the holidays and I allowed it to myself.) Maybe I should decorate it with a festive ribbon, but down to earth as people here are, they could see it as waste to put something on it that makes it a real present. I have already been using the Vanilla Pumpkin handcream, it's divine. 💃 I also already have been spraying on Yves Rocher holiday scent. I smell like I'm allready 'in the mood.' for Christmas. But so to say, the person to find that showergel the 5th, is one lucky Sinterklaas bird. Sinterklaas excists that day for them. 

Usually, real life Christmas is a bit dissapointing when you work towards it like this. It's usually very boring just to sit in the house, stuff yourself with decadent food, and watch TV- As if there's anything special going to happen. But that's most people's Christmas. Collecting the cosmetics ahead to Christmas is waaay more fun. Or if I would visit my family, gift shopping is fun. Not the boring day itself. It's a bit off a downer. That's why I decided to make myself usefull and bake de Boed's Christmas cakes. My family will visit me at third Christmas day this year. So they take count off it and they accept. 

Sometimes I wish I had a nice guy to lay aside to in bed. Not even having sex, but waking up togheter and cuddle in the morning. That one special man to fullfill my days with. But I'm a crazy old spinster with a work-Christmas ahead. Other people are lucky I'm single this year. I'm lucky for not having inlaws to purchase presents to, so I could splurge on Christmas make-up. But will Christmas be fun? Mwah. It's lonesome. I wish I was hard headed enough to stick to my point off being a lucky old spinster. But it's cold outside and there's lonesome holidays ahead. I don't know why I feel it more this year than I did previous editions off Christmas. Sometimes it's not easy being me... 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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