maandag 29 juli 2024

Good afternoon at the 29th off July, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's way too sunny and hot outside for my liking. It's not my type off weather today. 


Honest, I think it's not even visions, but something on my mind told me it's NOT going to be peace by the end off 2024, and it's going to be a damn dry Christmas for most. 'Zo droog als Sinterklaas zijn kont.' Like vulgair old ladies at Gortershof say. I think I don't like the idea off predicting peace wrong, so, I quit predicting peace on this weblog. Hell and heaven know if it's 2025, 2026 or 2028, for godsake. I'm fed up with it. I just know there should be peace concerts worldwide after peace came true. A real, big peace celebration. But is that going to happen? Usually I see too positive scenario's when I'm fed up with something. Then it's not clear enough anymore. 

But so far, Christmas is not going to 'feel like it.' This year, even worse than previous year, or during Corona, where everyone already seemed unpleasant to be around and cranky. With sky high prices and bills. But I think it's rather common sense that whispers me that in. If it continues like this. I hope my predictions for the short term will come true, and this whole situation won't last and last. 

Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be awfull. Who am I with these kind off prognosis? Who wants to hear them from me? I could be an economic or a politician without the slightest idea off a spiritual gift if I start to talk like this. Or even a lobbyist for war economics, (since they seem to be in charge off everything)- but not a true future predictress.  

In that same category falls the idea economic quarter marks show a shrunk economy for the last quarter off a year. It's not predicting, just a feeling. I learned not to be positive about these years. And people start to think off me as a trouble maker if I point things out too loud these days which don't come true. I haven't happened to have done so in real life, people don't have the faintest idea I have done a prediction and try to point out actuall peace. But it's un-doable. But somehow I have the idea it will be a dry Christmas out off poverty for most this year. ('Gortdroge kerst.' Like how it's said here.) 

I should stop it at that for this weblog. People are un-doable annoying when I predict it wrong. I don't like to end up in fights, cold behaviour and discussion, and most off all: It's stressive. So I quit predicting on this weblog. The future at this point simply could not be more vague. 

Allright, that's about it for now-

Thank you for reading.  

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