maandag 22 juli 2024

Good afternoon at the 22th off July, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's changing clouds with sunshine. I find warm temperatures doable this way. 


The news stated Zelensky wanted to discuss peace with Putin, but somehow I came to think it won't end soon. The Russia-Ukraine war won't be over that soon. That's what I think about it. Don't get too cheerfull too early, and don't start to hate me over a wrong prediction, don't get too harsh on me, it makes you dumb.   

To be honest, I don't think it will be over before 2026. And all attemps to peace will end up in vain somehow. Don't cheer too early, and don't get naive with life untill it's truly over. It's best to use your common sense a few months longer than to stop it before the war and the crisis end. If you use survival methods- don't quit them by now. I honestly think we are up to two to four years longer with the war in Ukraine. Maybe I should not step off off that point. But I can't guarantee it's true. 

And Biden is out off the race for American president, it was in the newspaper this morning. It's an even bigger point where I personally think Trump will win these elections. And some things are ment to be. But visions are a bit vague at the moment. But to be honest, I think Trump will win the American elections, and the war will continue. It's the worst case scenario I trusted to become true all the time. It's nothing to become cheerfull about for now. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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