zondag 28 juli 2024

Good evening at the 28th off July, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright outside. 


Somehow, if you wish to mentally wage a war, you have to flaunt and look gorgeous. Outshine the enemy. I think Putin laughs about our modern day beauty standard, rooted in the 1930's, so it seems. And the west to become more and more poor, and the trends and the technology to become more and more outdated. 

We can live without, I'm not the first to jump into that hole and purchase new, but I think Putin laughs his ass off when it comes to the West to become more ratchet by the minute. And people not looking their best, and circumstances not being optimal to win a war. It's shamefull. 

Not only Putin, The Middle East and China probably laugh with. The brilliant sparkle off the west is sincerely off these days. That's no way to mentally wage a war. We don't look our best, we feel broke, we have to wage war. We're at survival mode for most. And it's stressfull. I believe our enemies laugh at us at the moment. I believe to consume less is good for the environment, but for us personally, and our mindset? It could be better. We could develop a more sharp mindset if it would have been diffrent. But maybe that's not the way, and survival mode helps us to keep peace. But Putin laughs about us. Thinking it's a shame for women here to look less pretty than before. It's a feeling I have. 

We simply don't have money to do so. To set up a big war is too much for us, so it seems. Maybe that's for the best. Now at least we don't have to truly fight. It's not preferable. But the looks off vintage times because we 'don't have better.' Is a laugh. 

I'm typing you this in a plain white shirt and an old Christmas pyjama pants I wear over and over again. (Green with gold and black tartan. I change it with  red one, and in winter these are with green and red longsleeves.) It's a bit cheap. I wear my PJ's a lot inside the home, but I don't feel like a queen with them these times. I simply don't purchase new ones all the time. I got the feeling these times will turn in a new Middle ages for the West if we don't stop it. Medieval, since it's a turn back in progress and wealth. But honest, can we take it? I think another five years off crisis would be utmost bad. Society would be devastated by it. I have felt or foreseen a situation with another five years off crisis, and it's awfull for this country. And honest, if this country can't take it, then how about the rest off the world? The Netherlands has a high standard off being. Or at least it had so. It's not preferable for the world to continue like this, for no one. Food prices and bills have to decrease first. People can barely live like this, and there should be homes in the Netherlands for those futureless children. I wish politics would truly solve it. Instead off playing nasty games with us. 

My head hurts from over-thinking, I'm not that well. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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