maandag 8 juli 2024

Good evening at the 8th off July, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was changing and somewhat warm. 


Dear ungroomed women with your hair untidy long and undyed- 

I feel with all off you. The crisis has robbed you off your precious hairstyle, I can't help but to feel with you. I don't know if you want to hear that from someone like me, but I see you more and more often, men and women with ungroomed hair. It's a downfall off society, it's a crime! Simply not to be capable to look your best due to money. I feel sorry for you. 

I hope times will change soon, and we all can look and feel our best again.  

Yours sincerely- 


Today, I spotted a lot off women with their hair untidy, uncut and undyed. I can't help but to feel with them. 

I wondered if the Pinterest images off girls and women with undyed, messy hair where accurate for society. Most off the time I don't mention, or I think it simply isn't. but the ordinairy grocery shopping and daily life women looked like that. More and more women start to look like that. Like I said, it's a downfall off society. Everything being so expensive, they can't look their best anymore. I feel with it. 

Hair is a woman's treasure. Her not being capable to make it look pretty anymore is a crime. I think they will look at it back in shame. I can't do anything but to feel with it. And maybe it's even painfull to mention to them. But I just wanted to share something to show I care and feel with them. 

My own hair is cut by the Leviaan hairdresser for very, very cheap. And I can dye it a dirty blonde, according to fashion standards here. But I'm granted to live due to my disease. Eye off the needle. 

I did some grocery shopping today, had coffee at Leviaan de Boed twice, and prepared dinner. I'm on my couch with a pot off green tea. Overthinking things, feeling pity with the world again, tomorrow I'm told I shouldn't and mind my own life a little more. I can already tell. I don't know how people are going to perceive this later. But it's not off nowadays concern. But I can't help. Care staff says it's not my problem. And psychiatric aid is telling me either. And offcourse I don't actually help someone with those issues. But maybe this world is too conditioned to only think off ourselves and feel with no one anymore but our own. But hence, sharing that might get me into trouble. Though a hand full might agree. But I know too well what poverty and being left out can contain. A miracle saved my life. And I'm here, still living it well somehow. Minding my first world problems. 

I think fuchsia pink and dark green 90's checkers don't go well togheter, It's not accurate togheter. But I got fuchsia pink polished nails and a dark green 90's vest. It looks good, I have to say, but it's a bit off tune, very rich and low profile togheter. though tomorrow isn't for warm vests, but it's going to be bluntly hot. Not to my liking. But it's fuchsia pink on my hand and foot nails, and it will do tomorrow. The nailpolish was not too expensive. Tomorrow I can survive indoors with fuchsia pink on my nails. 90's checkers in a warm vest are for later concern. (It looks nice togheter, though.) 

First world problems, like how health care wants to see it.  Not making myself crazy with concerns. I'm not good at it. My heart is in the way sometimes. I have to sit out the summer heath tomorrow. Cooling the home, and drinking enough water. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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