Good afternoon everyone,
Yesterday I finished this picture frame. It's still empty, but it's situated decorately at my book case, next to a fairy statue. It has no purpose yet, but I think I did well on it. The two jars are still in my windowsill, I suppose I'm still a bit low on energy and not capable to get them anywhere at this moment. Sometimes that happens.
Yesterday I was at de Boed, but it felt like I had ran a marathon off at least 50 kilometers while it's just a few meters around the corner. Good grief, I never felt that way and care takers told me afterwards when I got back after about an hour (I couldn't take any more) that I was still looking too sick and not allowed to go out there. I'm still in quarantine since I'm still sick and it feels like I'm on my last leggs when I go out to do something. I also still cough and sneeze. So I'm supposed to stay in all day again. I had to lay on my bed all evening and a big part off this morning to overcome what I did yesterday. I have never been that low on energy. It's what you hear from most corona patients, how much off an attack the disease was to their condition.
Something funny. Yesterday when oppening my letterbox I found another attack. The letterbox was all wet and some post stuck to each other and there was a small package inside. When in my appartment, I opened the package and it contained half a bottle off orange juice, the rest got leaked on my post ans when opening it, it almost shoot to the ceiling. It was called 'Vitamin Bo.' Some sort off orange juice mixed with sparkling water, I had it as a present from Leviaan, I felt like laughing about it instead off getting angry. It tasted well, it was just a pity it had barely anything left in that bottle after what it did to my letterbox. I know they intended a serious pick me up, but it felt like a funny prank. Or maybe I'm just a bit weird when it comes to that.
allright, that's about it for this weblog,
thank you for reading.
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