Good evening everyone,
I have bought something during grocery shopping (I'm glad I can participate in grocery shopping on monday again.) which has a sticker on it with 'Best letter according to Libelle 2019.' (I probably have to explain first that during Sinterklaas there are chocolate letters for sale in the Netherlands. They are part off a tradition.)
Libelle is a classic women's magazine which is usually interesting to read and which has excisted ever since the 1930'/ 1920's s in this country. I love to read it in all it's decadent nostalgia and practicall heartwarming stories. I often indulge in it when it's on a coffee table somewhere. There, I said it. I love to read a magazine people usually associate with elderly ladies and muff old fashionedness. I love it. The floral prints they use are nothing but charming. And it's feminine friendly despite it's classicness.
I didn't buy the chocolate letter on purpose, but I wanted to write a blog about how it actually tastes. It's flavour 'Peanutbutter.' I usually have to think twice when a receipe has the option 'Peanutbutter flavour.' and often am a bit weary why Americans put that in so many things. It's something to frown a bit upon. Why choose peanutbutter when there are so many other perfect creams out there to choose from? Usually I'm pro America but this is something I think by myself 'Murica...' Peanutbutter is a bit vulgair in European kitchens. I couldn't help but trying it somehow. It wasn't even on discount but it was in front to me and it ended in my shoppingbag. It's covered in salted peanuts and it has a salty peanutbutter filling but it's yummy. I see why it has won a title previous year. It's a suprising but deserved title for something with peanutbutter flavour. I wonder what letter will win this year.
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