vrijdag 31 december 2021

Good afternoon at the 31st off December, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's a rainy and cold last day off the year. I have regained my energy somehow and I wish to make the best off this day, however. 


My energy hasn't been this high the entire month. I don't know how that could be but I feel well, well rested and up to bake stuff today. 

 I don't know how my mind makes this picture a bit scary. I have been making luxury apple turnovers this evening with dried prunes, white raisins, almonds and cookie spices adjusted to the apple filling (Some left overs from other bakings.) this morning, a treat for new year's eve. Those sharp edges look sharp and bird-beak like. I'm good at bringing things to taste, but modeling them is another story. I might or might not try to spend my new year trying to model turnovers a bit better, it's a resolution, haha. Given the fact I should make at least 30 to feed the entire Boed during coffee time, that gives me some space to practice. I have filling left for a lot more off these and by the end off the year I'd probably know perfectly how to shape apple turnovers. I just hope they taste well. And what's left over will be donated to de Boed tomorrow. 

I'm a bit spare for not donating enough off them for everyone. It feels a bit bad to do so, but I have the feeling I shouldn't eat all off these this evening. Sometimes I wish I had a husband to help me off off what I make when it's a bit too much for myself alone. But life just hasn't given me that. I could donate what's left to de Boed's staff instead off clients if I don't want people being left out. I hate the idea off giving too little and one person having more than the other person because off me. I know that feeling too well and I don't want to take part off something like that. I hope staff will appreciate. But they can expect about 30 to be made next year. That will be a nice challenge off it's own. 

This day goes by relaxed. I'm still in PJ's, it's raining and windy outside and I have made apple turnovers for this evening. I played a cd and I'm burning a candle and some incense. It's a good end off the year and I haven't have days like this for a long time. I wish it could be new year's eve every day if it makes me feel this good. Tomorrow I might spend making some new year's bites for de Boed and according to the receipe, that will be enough. 

My energy is often spare. It's often low but I feel well and even better than well this afternoon. I feel it's almost pity christmas time is only untill 6 or 7 January. I love how cozy it makes my small home and how it almost softens the sharp edges off the rest off this year. 

Allright, that's about it- Thank you for reading, 

and a Happy New Year to all off you.    

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