vrijdag 10 december 2021

Good evening at the 10th off December, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold with hints off rain, the sky is clear and you can see the moon now. It's dark early. 


Wednesday Soup this week was for Nacho Soup. People enjoyed it. I started to see what a spoiled tut I was for thinking groentesoep isn't much for December, and I put it on the menu this Wednesday. Or maybe a voice did so. It was, however, a feeling somehow to do classic Dutch Vegetable Soup the next week. In this day off time, in this era with so many issues and people being poor, I can't be lifted over the horse about a kind off soup that's probably healthy and appreciated these days and makes people feel heartwarmed -and nostalgic- in winter. I have the feeling if it's highly appreciated, it's not the last time we have seen it this winter.   

I'm a bit off a hermit these weeks. I'm inside all day and barely live except for dinner and my daily walk outside with health care around the block. I'm probably doing well according to the government, with all these Corona restrictions. But I would have been this way also without Corona being so nasty on us. 

I have been listening a new CD a few times. I'm old fashioned- I still listen to CD's on old radios, and I payed a good amount off money for it instead off tuning in on Spotify for it and purchasing for cheap. Clannad is hopefully thankfull I did so. In these days, where everyone is poor but still up to date in devices, I might seem an idiot to you, but it's still my way off enjoying music. Just like I prefer a laptop over an Ipad, paper newspapers with local news over the internet when it comes to news, and an old fashioned clock with clock-hands over something more modern, and my Smartphone isn't up to date but it's no big deal for me to live like that. I still post on old fashioned weblogs like it's 2010. And is there any better genre in music than '80's? I barely follow the news, I still have a small TV catching dust somewhere in the corner off my room, but it's only on when the prime minister speeches about Corona. Other than that, it's off.  

I do believe in buying goods online, though, and my living room is a bit decorated for christmas this year. I love how it's cozy for winter and holidays. 

A lot off people in my surrounding do hard during the holidays. Most people miss a loved one and so do I. It's a season to celebrate, and to remember. Not everyone has a family to celebrate things with. You can't be over the horse in a season like this about what you have compared to others. You can't during any season in my opinion, but appreciating the small things in life and lending a hand to those who need it is, always, a good idea. Especially this season during this nasty year. When loneliness and losses can hit people extra hard and where nobody seems to have money. It's a lot to take count off, but we can't be selfish during Yule / Christmas, a celebration off sharing, the birth off Jesus Christ so you wish, and the hope for the return off light. Don't forget that the best light comes from within. One off the quotes I like to resemble: Be a light in the darkness that surrounds us. And be a good person during this holiday season. 

I had the vain hope some time long ago, that if people would do it themselves in life, we wouldn't need a heavenly saviour to safe us, or a maitreya to follow for the earth to become a better place. I say vain hope, since I've learned to know mankind and I learned how though this ideal can be. People are incredibly nasty among each other. I hope my readers will dim it a bit during the holidays somehow.  

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.        

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