woensdag 15 december 2021

Good evening at the 15th off December, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was clear and warmer than previous week, but it means it was only 10 degrees celsius compared to about 4. Next week will be colder they say. 


A challenge. Today would be for classic old fashioned 'groentesoep.' Easy as pie for me. But some maffo replaced my ingredients list with one for an incredibly difficult Morrocan Harirra. Moroccan vegetable soup with a lot off spices, vegetables that had to be cut and me being set to stress all morning because it's almost like brewing a potion when you prepare a soup like that. I had to run home to get my cookbook to prepare the soup they had set me on to. Luckily I'm flexible and can switch easily and people loved their difficult Moroccan harirra. One off the things that can show you're good at something, is how well you are at solving problems sometimes.  

Even when I want to keep it easy and simple, and clearly state what ingredients I wish for at Wednesday Soup, things can turn out a big mess like that. I lost my temper (a bit) while being at it and told care takers what I thought about it. They appologized and we could discuss the matter like reasonable people. I'm capable to discuss when you talk to me, but I wasn't pleased with the problem. Still. It was solved and people loved their difficult soup. They have the luck I live a walk around the corner from de Boed, otherly I couldn't have solved it since I needed the receipe to see how much off the spices I needed for it. If they wanted me to do that soup, why couldn't they have simply told me? It's a big favourite at de Boed. I think we could shove this under 'Best off 2021.' in it's category, I'm glad I turned it all well.  

Today was for gifting cookies and they where received well. I think it's little effort to put a little class to home made cookies the way I made them yesterday, but I could change my mind and want to be creative with cookiecutters again when I feel like it. I haven't collected them for nothing, after all. It would be a waste on one hand not to use them, and a challenge to improve kinda what I've done this week on the other hand, but I'm still breathing. I have time in life to try both methods. 

(Probably the best picture I took off them last night.)

Allright, that's about it for now- I think de Boed and it's visitors will be very glad with my new drive to bake nicer cookies and improve it all the time! They are hopefully the big winner to this mental challenge. 

Thank you for reading.   

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