donderdag 30 december 2021

Good afternoon at the 30th off December, 2021.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cold, a bit warmer than around christmas, it's cloudy and rainy outside and most branches are empty. 


Thursday was for Wednesday Soup. I don't know how I did it, but I slept well yesterday and I had energy to fix the vegetable soup. Classic and old fashioned and the perfect comfort soup for older people who are doing hard this month. People loved it. It's one off the most easy soups to make for me. Somewhere on here I posted my receipe. It contains lots off garlic and herbs in my case and it's based on chicken broth instead off beef broth. I had no complaints today from picky eaters. 

The world looks better when you have slept a few hours at night. It feels fresher and things that are happening around me look more acceptable (I'm talking about my personal circle off things and people.) I decided I'm about to put what's happening in the world aside me. I can't do otherly anyway these weeks. I'm not at a position off power to change things. Somehow realizing that worked well for my nerves and I could sleep. I can't help on a mundial level, but I can serve a community centre a pot off fresh made soup so I can help them a little. The world is better when one can sleep. 

Tomorrow is the last day off glitter and sparkle for a long time. It will be new year's eve tomorrow and I'm doubting wheter to visit my family or not. I hope being stressed during holidays won't be a returning issue each year. For some it is, and it's a well known issue in psychiatric health among care staff. They told me it's common to have issues increased around this time off the year. 

I wish I really had a Guardian Angel to sleep next to each night so he could protect me each time I can't sleep. Cuddle me to sleep each night. That would be perfect. Sleep can feel sacred in a world where nothing seems to be sacred. Omnia and Faun are fighting each other out over that quote, but I have the answer for you: Sleep, sleep is sacred. And if you don't believe me, stay up against your will for a few nights and you will see my point. I'm not intending to take part off that fight though, I have my own battle with Vana Events. 

Sometimes, the kitchen off de Boed can come off pretty cheap in what they serve. This evening will be for hutspot and it's mainly old fashioned Dutch kitchen with lots off potatoes and gravy served with cooked vegetables and some meat we get to eat. At least we get in all off our vitamins and the old fashioned crowd loves it, but sometimes it's a bit depressing to eat - again- like that, with little variety in what we eat. It's healthy and old fashioned and easy to make for our kitchen. Compared to other European countries, Dutch kitchen is plain and simple. And the predicatability feels safe for them. To me, it itches. I have been participating in their vision about food for making vegetable soup today. It was appreciated, but my creativity craves diffrently sometimes. Old people be old. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 


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