donderdag 23 december 2021

Good evening at the 23th off December, 2021.

 Good evening everyone, 

The sparkly cold has gone off the street, it's once again cold and gloomy with rain every now and then. The big diffrence with summer is that the leaves are gone from trees, and it's icy cold. other than that it's not much diffrent because this summer has been rainy and depressing.  


Serious lockdown is for prissys. I was on my feet and out today to do the notes to the monthly client counsil meeting off de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, specialised in mental health care. It's been the last before christmas and the end off this year, but I think it was a fruitfull one which had meaning. I'm a member off the client counsil and I'm the note taker. I've learned that during my school time. I haven't learned much usefull things at school for life nowadays, but taking notes for meetings comes in handy.  

I shouldn't be too harsh about people who actually are in lockdown, that's not very nice during these hard times and I know it's serious. It doesn't count for me to be in serious  lockdown with nothing on my scheldue but that's me and that's my life. 

It's a short time before christmas. I look forward to it since I like christmas, but it's such a buisy period these days and it's just another buisy thing on my scheldue. I just hope I sleep well these days so I can handle it.          

Tomorrow will be our booster vaccine. I'm planning to be off here after that to my parental home untill monday. I have no wild plans for my christmas outfit. Just a fluffy white sweater, jeans, shoes I always walk in and the antler headband. I purchased christmas make-up online this year and it has arrived. I prefer make-up classy and moderate but I love shiny eyeshadow and dark lashes when I'm doing it. I'm out off fashion for skipping the liner and the dark lip, but that's how I do it. Lisa Eldridge on YouTube is somewhat off an inspiration when I do make-up. Sometimes Charlotte Tilbury, (With cheap dupes. I can't afford what they use) but that's when I would have an event, or when I'm out off depression. I don't believe in overdone make-up since I think that's vulgair, no matter how much people have paid for it or how much it's in fashion. But like said before: I don't do fashion. I love my knitwear and my loud colors too much to be pushed to fashion. Aside to that, It's not always cool to be in fashion. Sometimes it's best to have your own opinion on clothes and stick to it. 

Allright, that's about it- Thank you for reading.    

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