woensdag 15 december 2021

Good morning at the 15th off December, 2021.

 Good morning everyone, 

I haven't been checking on the weather today yet. It's around 3.30 A.M and the world is fast asleep. Corona restrictions are still somewhat the same untill the 14th off January. For about an entire month and during christmas, people are forced to keep it lowkey in life to see if we can end the infection rate in hospitals. Will that be? I doubt, maybe we'll even get a more strict lockdown. What I do know is how to make people feel a bit better. 


A heart under the belt. 

I have spend my day yesterday with baking sand cookies, I prepared the dough on Sunday, and decided to make something special out off it yesterday. 

(This is one plate off them) 

I made a batch off hearts, then put some white chocolate on one half off them, and then sprinkled them with almond chives. I wanted them to look nice and evenly because someone at de Boed called my cookies ugly some time ago. Somehow I feel challenged, to model my food a bit better the next time and polish the way it looks. It's probably a good challenge for the upcomming period with all restrictions still being up and there being lonesome souls during the holidays. I think people can use some off it to strengthen them and feel a bit comforted by it in this time and day off being as I'm planning to donate most stuff to de Boed. Tomorrow, these will be handed out to de Boed for coffee time.  

I can bring stuff to taste, modelling and sculpting / decorating has never been my thing. I believe there's a world to win for me in that field. It's a big challenge to bake pretty cookies. As long as people are dying by the masses and there are lonely and sad people to comfort these days, I'll try to be on my feet for them somehow. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading. 

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