zaterdag 17 december 2022

Good afternoon at the 17th off December, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's a clear and cold sky. It's cold weather today but the frost is mainly gone. It's still an icy cold weekend, though. 


Today was for preparing banana bundt cake, and it came picture perfect out off it's mold. Out off a fancy Nordic Ware bundt mold. I had some trouble fixing it like that, since my cakes didn't come whole out off their molds for a while. But it seems to be helped. 

I decorated it with white chocolate ganache and almond chives. 

It has lots off nuts and coconut adjusted to it. It's the usuall banana cake, but then fancy, for Christmas. It's a bit more Christmas than the usuall. I could practice with white chocolate ganache, though. Now it has a white chocolate ganache filling if it gets solid. It will be donated to de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk for their afternoon coffee tomorrow. It's good to give. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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