woensdag 14 december 2022

Good evening at the 14th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone,  

It's freezing and ice cold outside. It's no weather for wimps. 


About Vana Events, 

How does an organisation that calls itself emancipated have such unemancipated, unwritten rules, and how come idiots with unemancipated vieuws have made themselves so dominant among them? How come people look away when it comes to that, and why do they slut shame and body shame as much as they do? 

They have one unemancipated tut called Natasha and she is NOT cool when she shows us another picture on the internet about how pretty she is. Covered in expensive gowns and make-up while most people in the fantasy scene can't afford that, and since when are women forced to wear make-up by those unwritten rules? That's not cool. It would be much more off a cool thing for Natasha to show herself without make-up, with wrinkles, glasses and as natural and true as she is. Instead off playing the high madam, she better tones it down this year due to the energy crisis and people not being capable to afford it anymore. She's not cool when she tries to impress people with a low income who can't afford it anymore with expensive make-up, jewels, and clothes. Not to say about her hair. She sucks. She's not emancipated but her drive to look stunning despite the crisis is not the only thing that bothers me. She catcalls people, and she wishes to drag down the self-confidence off young women by saying they have too much guts. Which a woman off that position should NEVER declare to someone a bit minor to that, she only adresses  you that when she has her two ladies in waiting siding her, on a crowded Keltfest. Otherwise I bet she would never have had the nerves for it, and she can't bring up the character to respond to it.  I think she is the shamefull one in this case. 

Am I jealouse off her? If I tell you I'm not you will tell me I am, and that's another thing that bothers me about the Fantasy scene: The whole fixation on jealousy. I hate that. I rather go through life not jealouse and my heart as free as a breeze. I rather want to fight for something someone else has for my own, instead off envying them. I wish never to act out off jealousy. I suppose a lot off men have betrayed their women in those circles for it to have become that low. I would never steal a man, and I don't like it when people declare me that. I guess they have envied me for my youth and my power when I was young. And my beauty. No matter how loud and vulgair they declare nowadays I'm 'Not Pretty.' Hearhearhear. They can't stand me and they play filthy tricks on me, and that is the truth. 

A man was stolen from me, and then they started to declare me ugly. I wish to get more clarity in my own emotions before even giving in to those nasty delusions that came with it. I have been put into a mental hospital because that happened, I wrote letters and postcards to Vana due to it, but they never had the character to respond to it at all. Vana is a bit buisy on the ladder off unemancipatedness and filthy tricks, and that's why I decided to write this blog, and simply because I hate Natasha, who everyone is supposed to like since she never shows being such a BITCH to most people, and you just have to love her for everything she does according to them, but I downright hate her. She doesn't kick ass, she is not cool, she is unemancipated, she tells people to get married and have children or they don't count anymore, She's too made up for a crisis and she doesn't stand her ground. When Vana has to defy colour in a political field, they don't stand their ground and bounce back from it. Which is not a cool thing. 

It's also a thing that you HAVE to find love, and HAVE to be in a relationship and get married and have children as soon as possible. Or you're somewhat off a misfit among them. That's not cool either. People (Like me) might have their sane reasons to be single and never to have been in a relationship in their entire life, and that's not a stage play I put up, or a drama, but simply the way things always have been for me and how my life is designed. Maybe it's just ment for me to devote my life to cooking for others, be a mental patient, be a  fat, ratchet bitch, and do exactly as I please. It has pros when you remain single your entire life and that's MY destiny. I don't want others to judge me so hard on it. But it's a thing that comes from them to get comitted as soon as possible when you're young, or you're a slut and a whore. 

I got declared a whore and a slut a thousand times over. Which is not emancipated either. I don't want to look all made up, but I don't want to look all dolled down either. I don't want to steal men from their women, but still be friends with them and I want to be free in what I do or don't, which gives me the tag off a whore among those people. I didn't want to be with Faust, and have his children. And all my flirting outside those lines where probably seen as whoring, or being an too uplifting spirit online, that could be it, too. I didn't want to bang around with them, I'm still standing above it all now I'm 30 and they have been talking nasty about me behind my back for 12 awfull years. Nothing is true about that. I kept my virginity, and my pride for me personal. No matter what they tell you about that. And that's one reason to keep on blogging: To keep on providing you the truth. Despite not being capable to defend myself when they gossip. I play it as straight and honest as possible when I do this. 

And then those playboy bunnies that where cool right after Faust got off with a younger, more pretty looking girl. As if male fertility was seen as something utmost cool, while I crippled in the insane assylum about it. That's awfull. It's terrible. I never had interest in Faust, Bloodshot always has been more my thing to be honest. But he is taken and I don't steal. But no one ever asked for my true opinion about it and now it's too late. They have always forced me inside a box I never fitted into when it came to men. Vana has been acting like a pig to me. 

I think it would be cool if true feminism woul become a thing again on those events and among pagans. Not the archetype off a mother who cooks behind her stove, but a true, untamed witch. Like me. Something true to believe in as it's bullshit they sell nowadays. What's with those big, violent, pig looking aso's that dominate the events nowadays? Vana has turned to shit and attracts assholes these years, but it's not something new, it's something from the previous years that's been happening. Even more male dominance, and female ignorance about it. I just hate it and it shouldn't be tolerated like that. If Natasha had more guts, she would stand up against such stupidity and finally do something about the polarisation and the people who follow her becoming more stupid by the minute. I think Vana only tolerates that for the money, just like the commercialism off Fantasy and Paganism. It brings up a whole lot off money if you sell it like that. If you tolerate the aso's and the bullying on events they bring with them. 

It's not completely due to Faust I have never came back to events, it's just been a drop in a full bucket I couldn't take anymore. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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