vrijdag 23 december 2022

Good evening at the 23th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was rainy and misty. It's the perfect weather for Santa to get lost somewhere. 


I'm at my parental home to celebrate Christmas this weekend. 

New year's resolutions... 

I made up the plan to take it economical and sober the next two months, and make the first two months off the year No-Spend-Months, since this is a crisis and everything is expensive, and I still have a lot off stuff on the shelves that needs to be used up before I buy something new. It's not out off need, I don't have to be sober these months. I'm still getting by fine. It's just that I want to because we live in a crisis and I don't have to be the most expensive spenderella on the block. I don't do it to make loose ends fit. I wish to take it sober the next months since I feel with all those victims to this crisis, and saving money is never a bad idea, but especially in these times it's probably a must to have some savings on my pay account. 

No-Spend-Months mean I don't spend money on luxury or unnecessairy extra's. I have a few exceptions: My travelling card, my late dad's memorial birthday cake, my grandma's birthday present and a post card for when my pregnant cousin has given birth. Other than that I'm not planning on big extra's and luxury. despite the governmental wage enhighering. Maybe my accountant needs that to cover up for the enhighered costs and there simply is no big extra money to spend on luxury. Who knows? I wouldn't be suprised by that, given how expensive everything has become. I have savings, but I don't like to talk about finances too much since it's private and I don't wish to embarace people with it. Some might say I'm as rich as the queen, while others might declare I'm still a poor peasant. I'm somewhere in the comfortable middle nowadays. Let's keep it at that. 

Still, it will be a fun challenge: Two months off not spending a dime on unnecessairy luxury and not spending money on clothes, coffee, make-up and luxurious extra's and I think I can easily make it. My bills are taken care off by my accountant. I have her for safe keeping off my finances since I'm mental, so in this country you have the right to have an accountant if that's the case. I have a small amount off money each week for my groceries and I can perfectly make it through with what I've got. And I got a little extra pocket money each month. But let's not spend that at all these months and take it extra frugal with groceries. I expect it's going to work out well for me. 

I decided to take the first off January as a start date and keep up with it untill February 28. I practiced a bit during summer with it. I've spend enough on fancy sweaters these weeks to show off with them for two months. Really, I haven't spend that much on clothes since I was in love four years ago. Except that my winter wardrobe this time isn't pink and romantic. I don't know what got over me. At least I'll be pretty and warm when we get a blizzard. But let's keep it at what I've got now for two months. 

That's my new year's resolution for this year. To take it a bit more sober with money. And save up a bit, as far as that goes. I'm planning on keeping you informed about it. So keep on following me if you're into that stuff. 

I'm getting a bit sick off Christmas songs on Sky Radio at this moment. I haven't listened much off them, but it's frumpy and too much allready. But my family wants them on. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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