maandag 26 december 2022

Good morning at the 26th off December, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today starts off rainy, windy and cold. 


I hope you all had a merry Christmas yesterday. 

I had something my foresight gift whispered me in: There will be days when we have barely food. When there's nothing to eat. It's not Mumbo Jumbo, and I start off this blog with that forecast since it's a deep rooted fear off me personal to have nothing to eat. It's probably one reason to be this fat. I have the personal fear I will starve out off too little food if I don't eat - much.- While that is not adjust and it never has been. But short term in the future, we will see a food crisis in Western Europe due to the energy crisis. I have been trembling over it while I had the forecast. It's that much off a fear in me to be starved. I can take on anything as long as there is food. 

First off all, when this comes true, you might take me for some Iluminati jerk, playing a political game with you for knowing all this doom and misfortune that comes upon us on forehand, but I'm not. I simply know things happening in the future because I can see and hear things that are going to happen in the future. I have some sort off a gift, and it's more important than ever to use it these days, though we should take caution with it during war time, and not be too quick with it. As war outcomes change with the day and I don't want to burn my fingers or soul to a true war prediction. 

Still I can see we're only at the beginning off this crisis, and there will be a food crisis on top off it where there is little to eat for most. Because off the energy crisis, there will be a food crisis. And no one can pay their foods anymore. I have been wondering what I could do about it. Could I hamster stuff in front? But still, there would be fresh foods needed and not only stuff with a long shelve life during the food crisis. I believe I can hamster things like flour, or sugars. But I would still need eggs and butter or bananas and other stuff that comes with baking. And how about de Boed? They provide me my main meals throughout the day. And the lack off in-between-snacks and cookies. This is going to be such a punishment for me. I believe I just have to await it and I hate that. Maybe we can just have our main meals in moderation, and everything in between has to be skipped. Just the idea off it. Maybe I'm this much off a spoiled brat, but I love food and it's the worst that can happen to my soul not to be capable to enjoy foods. Usually I'm not over-acting on things, I'm not hysterical most off the time, but this is bad. 

I have been thinking off ending this weblog, since I'm no longer after justice or revenge on Vana Events. But sharing things with the world is handy on a weblog, though I suspect no one to read it anymore. Now I'm a little more confident in predictions coming true, I think sharing them with you can be handy, too.   

People who read this for the first time might be scared a bit by this. What kind off religion do I follow if I can predict the future? Well, Esoterism. I take wisdom from a lot off ways and blend it to my own religion. I also believe in the power off incense, and semi-gemstones. Every religion has their good and bad, and I don't believe in shoving something off because parts off it are unjust. I'm unorthodox with that, people might say I don't follow their religion at all, or that I follow a fake way. But I follow what works for me. I follow acts off charity just as much as astrology. (I believe in astrology, and I believe in the kindness that's descripted in the bible. Just as much as Buddha's wisdom.) Alltogheter you could call it Esoterism. I take things from Paganism too, but that's not truly my religion and something in the Universe tells me the Pagan holidays shouldn't be strictly outlined in the year, since the only special occasion in life is life itself, and that unfolds to me in several ways these years. And I'm a bit fed up with Pagan biggotry over the past years. So I'm not a strict follower and I decline my own rules with it. I believe in angels just as good as I believe in a godess and one big energy in the universe that binds us all and which you could call god. And I believe in reincarnation.  

About the Pagan Holidays: Time does not excist and is just ment to outline certain happenings in this world, so it's not a problem when the Universe asks me to celebrate it on other days, ahead or later. I should take count off things like Christmas and Easter, though. But that's not because it's Christian, but rather because it's important for the world and my family. I believe broadmindedness is the key to my religion. At the moment I'm firmly believing in sharing, acts off kindness and charity. These are not the times to be selfish. Though you should take care and count off yourself and not go overboard with it, it's good to share what you can. Between the lines of what's sane. 

I hope you take care. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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