zaterdag 24 december 2022

Good evening at the 24th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's been cloudy and cold outside. It's grey weather but at least it wasn't misty anymore today. 


Christmas Holiday talk...

Today was for spending an entire morning in bed. After medication I went back to bed and I rested like crazy and I felt all warm and safe. In my mom's home, in my own old bed. It's hard often to feel safe like I do here when I'm home at Leviaan. Nothing beats the feeling off being in bed here in pyjama's for a Christmas holiday. 

After taking a shower and getting dressed, I helped preparing stewed pears for Christmas dinner tomorrow. I love stewed pears and they where the only thing I wished for for our Christmas dinner this year. I prepared them, but I somehow think they can be a bit more sweet. Mom doesn't allow me honey in them, or regulair sugar. So it's dealing with what I've got. I adjusted red wine, cane sugar, kardamom, cinnamon and star anise to it. And vanillin sugar. Peeling and cutting them felt almost therapeutic, since I love preparing food. Mom says there's a chance they will be sweeter tomorrow since the juices and the flavors can soak in tonight. That would be really cool if they would be brought to good taste, after all. 

After preparing stewed pears, I spend my day watching movies on Disney+. This is just a perfect Christmas holiday day. I have been watching The Muppets a Christmas carol, and both Hocus Pocus movies. Usually I'm not this lazy and relaxing is for wimps with a safe surrounding. De Boed has been lethal these weeks. People acted mad and violent. But today I come to peace and I relax. 

I really have been enjoying mom's black tea with raspberry flavour the previous two days. She purchased it at a luxurious teashop in Haarlem, and it's fresh tea which has to be brought to taste with an old fashioned tea egg. It's not from a grocery store and it's wonderfull. We really make something special out off having tea with it during afternoon. I get it in a large glass, and we got a treat with it. Mom really masters the art off fine tea moments. At special occasions, she really loves to make something out off it with special flavours, gathering the family togheter for it once a day, which I love. It's a high point to a day in her home. Tea is a passion off hers for several years and it's been here for a long time. She also has a thing for special coffees. She loves the shop Simon Levelt for example. Where they sell really fancy coffees and teas. She pours us those at the Sunday morning breakfast, when she goes to luxury mode and really makes a Sunday morning breakfast with fancy breads and boiled eggs for example. 

Most off the time I myself keep it simple at my Sunday breakfast table, usually I fry an egg on sandwich bread, or I think it's too much effort and simply eat bread with peanutbutter for breakfast on a Sunday. I don't have the money to do a luxurious breakfast on Sunday, and I slack with these kind off things just for myself. So it's too hard for me to maintain it. Aside to that, I have to get up early on Sunday to get my morning medication. But this weekend will be diffrent. This weekend it's Christmas, so I can also enjoy mom's sweet luxury in the morning. (On weekdays mom keeps it just as sober as anyone with just bread and meat or cheese. But during the weekend it's luxurious breakfasts in this house)   

I love Christmas. I really am going to do hard when it's all over and we have to make it through January. Usually I try to come up with all kinds off fun plans to still make something out off the rest off the winter. This winter, it's going to be even more off a challenge since I decided to do no-spend-months. 

If you wonder what I can foretell about the next period: 

- Winter is still to come, prepare for it. Make sure you have enough warm clothes, and yes, I foresee snow. Be sure to have warm drinks on stock like tea, be sure to own snow boots to be capable to walk in the snow, and blankets since this is an energy crisis. And be certain you have enough household supplies. Things like aspirine and tissues for when you get sick are handy too. Fresh fruits can't be purchased on stock ahead, but you can purchase vitamin supplements. Be certain to be safe this winter. Better safe than sorry. You don't want to go out during a blizzard or when the road gets slippery again for items when you need them.  

- The crisis is not over yet, and I think we're just at the beginning off it, but maybe we'll start to believe it's going to soften, or a period where it's really softer is about to come. But still beware because it will get back at us hard if we don't watch, be carefull and prepare well for it if we can. Still I would like to advise you to make use off the softer period ahead to us, and purchase handy stuff ahead for when it goes bad again. (And that is about to come, I just don't know when. But be prepared for it) Here again, Better safe than sorry. Though you can invest in stocks off handy items, I would like to advise you not to go too overboard with shopping since we still need a lot off money to cover up for enhighered costs and who knows how bad this is going to get. I would say: 

Make it through the winter, make use off softer windfalls as they will come, but be aware it might not last forever. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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