dinsdag 13 december 2022

Good evening at the 13th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was one hell off a cold. It has been freezing at night, and daytime was ice cold. There was frost all over the streets when I woke up. 


Today I have been making an attempt in sicking out a cold. I'm sick and I have been in pyjama's all day, being in bed. It's freezingly cold and I'm sick. I won't be capable to prepare Wednesday soup tomorrow for de Boed, but someone wanted to teach me how to make Chinese tomato soup. She ordered all ingredients for it and wanted to make it togheter with me, but I believe tomorrow it's on her. I'm glad I have a replacement during the cold. 

I have been sick, the living room looks like a pighouse due to all the tissues I have been snouting, it's freezingly cold in the Netherlands (Especially during nights.)  Caretakers decided it was better for me not to cook soup tomorrow, what else is there to say about today? I just hope I will get well soon. 

Sometimes it's best to stand tall, especially during a crisis, during these cold days. I have been thinking to take example off the British during WWII and try not to be stirred by it as good as possible, but I'm afraid I'm only human after all, and I feel with all those poor and cold people who have no money for food or Christmas. Especially when it pops up in my mind, I can feel with them. I personally do as well as I probably can during these days. I can talk easy. I have little to fear or to owe up for these days. I shouldn't speak for the mass who is cold and hungry, and who has enough off it- but a little bravery and standing tall is never a bad idea. In my predictions, we're only at the beginning off this massive crisis. It's not a good idea to lose one's head over it this soon. 

I have been thinking, what if they mobilize europe to fight with the Ukranians? It's not happening, but what if? What if people from here where forced to fight against the Russians because Ukraine can't stand it anymore? Is that a foresight or just a feeling? And how will I personally do within one year? Just sayin'. I do well at the beginning off this idiocy, but as time goes by, it goes on and on, and how will I do if things keep on going this way for at least five years? Will I manage to come round by then? That's the main question, and what kind off country will this become in such a range off time if this continues? I'm so glad I don't have children and hungry mouths to feed this winter. I will get by and I can live for myself with help from de Boed. Since I'm Schizo, I believe I have no threat in being mobilized for a war since they can't use me. As far as I oversee this. My main issue is to survive this period myself. I don't know if people truly will be called upon to fight. I believe by then we're in serious trouble and that's a stage later. First concern is if Russia will turn off the gas to Europe entirely. As I had a foresight that might eventually happen this winter. They don't care we're starving and hungry, it's a war tactic and they're Russians. I bet they laugh about us when it comes to it. They're goddamn morrons with a lack off morals. We shouldn't think too straight when it comes to war when we're fighting them. A little outside the lines and with a blurred sense off justice will get us much further than them. We will eventually enlower ourselves to that level, but we won't survive if we don't. It's idiocy, it's cruel, it's venom and your train off thought will be altered- but this is Russia. 

I think we should think it a bit crooked to win this war. With a strategy instead off straight ahead, in that case I think we should bomb Moscow with a nuclear bomb- that's probably the only way to get them on their knees. Don't think too soft during wartime, that won't help. Otherwise there should be something to ban them from Ukraine at once, and get them on their knees like a dog to show who's the boss. But with this gas tactic, they're teaching us. I don't think soft when it comes to war. As this is what it is. How to teach Russia a lesson? Usually they are masters when it comes to that, filthy tricks. But now we need something to stay ahead to that. They are FAR ahead to us with increasing food prices, gas prices, and monopoly on grain. This is something the Taliban could only dream off. How to win this war without starting something lethal for the entire world? I have no sane clue. Not an insane one either.

I have to get by. I have to be sure my stock is on an acceptable level, and I can make it through. How will everything be in one, or even five years off cruel war? This better doesn't continue for too long. 

I have been thinking about myself, wondering if the 70's would suit me in opinion on politics, but I'm too much off a cowboy to accept the softness off hippiesque bohemian, I'm rough when I need to be and I'm not a pleaser and I follow my own guidance. Even if it's against the opinion off the mass. I follow my own inner guidance when that is needed and feels right. I'm not a person for too soft bullshit. I can be polite, which I mainly am, but I'm not a conformist. People who have no manners stroke me against the manes, but I'm also tough enough to disrespect it when it's too political correct and hypocrit. I don't like that. I'm not overly feminin when it comes to that, women are supposed to please. I simply don't do that. I rather be honest with people most off the time. I have my manners, but I don't like bullshit. 

How to win a war without sucking out Europe entirely? I'm not personally asked to come up with a strategy, No secret services have called me for it so far. I'm just a citizen with an opinion and a mental issue. My concern should be cleaning the kitchen, and getting rid off my flu. Preferably before next week. And staying warm this night. But I can't help thinking off this and thinking out a strategy. 

Allright, that's about it for now- I hope I won't lose my head over it. 

Thank you for reading.  

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