donderdag 8 december 2022

Good afternoon at the 8th off December, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is cold and somewhat gloomy in the Netherlands, all leaves have fallen from the trees and it's somehow a depressing sight.


Today was for swimming, provided by a sports program from the government to promote excercise to poor and mental people. I can swim every Thursday, which I usually do. I haven't lost weight so far, but I love swimming and it's fun. 

And it was a day for Paprika soup. My paprika soup is people's favourite. I used to practice with the substance untill it was really good and nothing needed to be done about it anymore. The only thing I vary with, is either chicken meat or meatballs adjusted to it at last. Other than that I have a good and firm idea about how my paprika soup has to be. After a while off practicing, I stopped making it so often but then I got it requested from people who had made it their favourite. Since I kept making it as perfect as possible, it wasn't 'That same old paprika soup.' for them, but their beloved favourite. So this week was for perfect paprika soup, as decadent as can be, with carrots, red paprikas, sweet potatoes, fresh tomatoes, spices (Paprika powder and curry powder), cooking cream, Boursin cuisine, tomato paste, lemon juice, you name it and it was in it- and meatballs. This week my paprika soup had a good amount off meatballs from a larger amount off minced meat than I usually use, since I wanted people to have enough meatballs in their bowls. 

For a crisis like this, that soup says a lot. It makes me proud to serve them a bowl off comfort each week. If this was a serious restaurant, they had to pay quite a price for it. But it's a community centre which provides services to mental health patients and which also functions as a daycare centre, so they just have to pay the price for a regulair lunch and they can have two bowls if they like. de Boed has increased it's prices for lunches to keep up with inflation. But people don't have to pay extra for a bowl off fresh soup. 

I have a few soups I know by heart what goes in it, I have been practicing them quite often, and other soups are from cookbooks. But my version off paprika soup I know by heart. Somehow I think our inflation is adjust for my fresh soups. Then it's legid. But usually I think we just got robbed off even more money for the same lunch, but then provided more expensive. It will be made even more expensive in April. Just like dinner. Some people can't even afford it anymore. They bring their own bread nowadays. de Boed has decided for them, my soup is free so they can still have a bowl. I make large pots off soup each week. So they can have some. It's also provided to our van driver when it's swimming day. He complimented me on the soup today. It's quite a service. And I'm proud off it.     

I'm so glad de Boed provides all off that, I myself could never afford to make such divine soup. I can even make people who usually don't like soup, like my soup. They love them. It's the perfect weather for soups. Gloomy, grey and cold. And I did well to decide it had to have extra meatballs. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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