maandag 5 december 2022

Good evening at the 5th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 


Today was for dessert making at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk. I made my fellow clients and myself a Sinterklaas dessert, chocolate milk panna cotta. It's a receipe as easy as pie. I topped it with whipped cream and 'pepernoten.' Small spiced Sinterklaas cookies. Most fellow clients enjoyed it. I had the luck the panna cotta wanted to stiffen this time. The previous time when making it, I had too little gelatin and I failed. The second time we had a delicious panna cotta, however. And they thought it out for this day, for Sinterklaas evening. 

I have no kids, and I don't live with my parents anymore. So I don't celebrate Sinterklaas. It's something for kids, and if you're lucky, adults if they still celebrate, but my mom doesn't want to ever since my dad died. I miss it. I have had some presents from mom when she visited last week, but I sobbed a few tears this period over not being capable to celebrate Sinterklaas with my dad and his family, and over poor children who are not capable to celebrate Sinterklaas. If they come to school they can't say they got a present to their classmates, and the idea off them getting bullied over that made me cry. Poor children sometimes make me cry these days. 

So, I had some presents in Christmas style. Mom does celebrate Christmas since she likes that more. I haven't been completely sad and it cheered me up to have been given presents this period. It feels good to to get presents and be a bit rewarded for all my good work and being a good person this year. I did my utmost best for it. It's important to share and give, but sometimes it feels so good to be given something back for it. 

Especially since grocery shopping felt like being robbed instead off Sinterklaas. I haven't even purchased much, but it was still so expensive and it felt screwed to be forced to pay so much for it. Still I was capable to buy what was needed and I could afford. I'm proud off myself I can withstand the crisis this long with what I've got, despite it's not much. And maybe I should be gratefull for that 10% wage increasement we got these months. And my capable administrator and her office. They deserve praise too for their hard work. I have the feeling I will be capable to withstand the entire crisis. I just hope it doesn't take too long and get too intense. I have the feeling the entire country will be demolished if it takes, say, five years. But then again, I had the feeling off having to live in a Country that will get as poor as Africa. The famous prophet Nostradamus had predicted this crisis. If you know his works, you know he predicted this and all off this will get well one day either. According to the interprentation off his prediction, Latin American countries will help Spain and Portugal to get out off this crisis, and they will help us to get out off it. Learn Spanish, It might not make sense now, but later on it might be important in the future if you want to have anything to do with world business. I remembered this phrase from the predictions I have been reading some time ago. I just can't remember what year we will be saved. Still, it helps me to keep my head held high to know it will end one day. I should re-read it to get a better hang on it. It could be 20 and effin 30 before we got saved, or 2028 if I remember well. Uranus will be out off Taurus in 2026, which also might mark the end off a crisis. But I shouldn't be speculating, I should know an exact year, or it might sound too vague for many a sceptic. 

Still. The country will be screwed over big time if this crisis takes this long. I don't know if most people can withstand, no matter the 10% wage increasement. It teaches many a spoiled brat some lesson in gratefullness, and taking a step back in materialism. I know, but it's not good if it takes too long and too much off us. Still I personally think I can withstand for the time being and that says a lot. 

It's not the end off mankind, and it's not the end off the world. It will still be there and turn afterward, but I should be realistic if I overvieuw the short- term future. I don't make myself ilusions over money or posessions. It will take a lot off hard work and strong willpower to withstand this. Not spending it on luxury, Watch my spendings in the supermarket and for me personal, keep something behind for extra rough times and keep my stock on a good level. Think before you spend. I could afford some Christmas luxury this year, due to gifts from mom and knowing my administrator allows me that. But that's due to not spending crazy amounts off money during the rest off the year. I'm also saved because I eat meals at de Boed every time. They increased the price for their meals, but still it's affordable to eat there alltogheter and let them cook. It's not fancy, it's a lot off boiled potatoes, but it's acceptable most off the time. 

I heard some people don't heath their homes anymore. At all. Not even during cold. I have the luck Leviaan pays for that for me and fellow clients. I don't have anything to do with gas and electricity prices if they keep on doing that. I can moderately heath despite it all. I have a lot off luck with that. I don't know what I would do without this. Sometimes I have the feeling I have been given this luck, that I'm destined to be saved during this crisis by a higher power and that's the reason why I survive. I have no other explaination for it than simple faith, by whatever power that is. For being a good and helpfull person, probably. Or maybe it's plain charity simply because I'm handicapped. Whatever the reason, I'm lucky. I don't live spoiled, it's actually small and basic care. But it's there when it's needed. Also during these dark times. And that's why I know I will survive, despite it all. I can't do much, I have a handicap, I'm on heavy medication and I have a low condition. But this I will survive thanks to where I live. I'm lucky and despite not having a real Sinterklaas, that is my greatest gift. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.         

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