zaterdag 10 december 2022

Good evening at the 10th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cold, cloudy, grey and misty. It's been cold and depressing outside and at night it's freezing. 


Today was for baking linzertorte. 

I made it with home made red fruit jelly I made yesterday with fruits and sugar I still had 'on the shelves.' I had a left over fruit in my freezer, and some jelly sugar for jam in my cupboard. Then I thought I had a lot off ingredients on stock and looked up the receipe for linzertorte. All I needed was a lemon. I felt it was worthit to face the cold for it, and so this project came to be. 

It's freezingly cold and depressing as a doorknob outside at the moment. I even had the hazelnuts on stock for this receipe and the almond chives. So I think it's not overly expensive with items I had to purchase for it. I could afford despite it all. And my fellow clients and the neighbours will probably love it tomorrow for their afternoon coffee. I have the voice off Dr. Phil in my head, telling me I have a problem with being a hoarder off baking items. That's true but this time it came to good use. It's a cold and boring December day during a massive crisis. And tomorrow will be even more depressing and boring. We can use some off this tomorrow. 

Linzertorte is the oldest known tart in the world. It's receipe dating back to 1650 Linzer, in Austria. I'm pretty sure people used to eat tarts and such before, but that's not registred, so this is officially the oldest. It's a December favourite and it's been on my wishlist for a while to try making it. It makes me dreamy to think off such receipes and trying them. Baking can connect me in my imagination and dreams with times and places beyond borders. International receipes, or classic receipes sure have that power. Which makes baking an even better hobby. That's been my day today, preparing Linzertorte and having lunch in between at de Boed. 

It's ment for de Boed's Sunday afternoon coffee. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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