vrijdag 16 december 2022

Good evening at the 16th off December, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a clear and cold day in the Netherlands. The streets off old Zaandijk where all covered in frost and still are. It's slippery outside and it's dangerous to go out. This night a lot off accidents happened on the road, and you'd better where not outside if you had nothing going on there. Today is a bit better. Though the grass was still covered in frost and sparkled in people's eyes this morning. 


I feel a bit better after getting sick. I'm not complete well yet, but I had coffee this morning at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk among people from this neighbourhood and fellow clients. The rest off the day I have spend in with tea and internet shopping. Yesterday I did not do much, but sending Christmas cards to people, and a birthday card to my cousin. Despite being sick, it was still productive.

Tomorrow will be for baking again. I've read in my horoscope I have 'Cast thy bread upon the waters.' for a motto these months. I had to look it up since I don't know the bible. But if it means 'Banana cake.' And baking for others, it's adjust. Tomorrow will be for a banana bundt cake, since it's going to be Christmas, and I'm going to use my XL  Nordic Ware bundt pan for it, the one I ordered this summer but which was delivered wrong. I'm going to put it to use this Christmas and bake de Boed something delicious and fancy. I'm even thinking off topping it with white chocolate ganache. I already pulvered nuts for it in my foodprocessor, and I re-filled my cookie spices today. It would look even more fancy with roasted almond chives on top. A traditional Christmas bundt should have raisins in it, but that's not suitable for my banana cakes. 

I have been thinking off adding syrup waffle chunks to the receipe instead off nuts, but that will be for later this year. A syrup waffle banana cake. I love how possibilities sometimes feel endless when it comes to cooking and baking. I have 'Everything is possible.' for a saying when it comes to baking. Almost everything if you keep it sane, but you probably got me. If this is my 'bread upon the waters.' Then it's definetely true.  I didn't know that could be written in the stars. I rather follow astrology than the bible to be honest. I donate these bakings with love to de Boed, for people to have with their afternoon coffee. But somehow the saying feels very powerfull, and it almost feels as if people are destined to do certain things in life when it comes to it. I'm glad people never grow boring off my banana cakes and other bakings. I can keep on doing it that way. Tomorrow is for baking an XL bundt version, decorated for christmas. 

The worst cold is over, I still have somewhat off a snotty nose, but the worst sickness is behind me. I lost three good days on it, three extreme cold days where I had to stay in all day and be sick. I'm so glad I have a cozy home where I can be as sick as I like to be, and a large amount off tea to flush away my sickness with. I have almost finished an entire box off green tea. It's been kind off a persistant flu. I had no temperature enhighering, and it was no corona, but when you are a virus, you have to be a whole lot off something to get me truly sick. And that for three to four days. I'm not easily sick. I believed I had quite a good immune system. Untill this morron came along. And it still has me, despite it getting a bit better. I'm so glad I still haven't lost my sense off humor. 

I hope it will let me bake tomorrow, and share it with people the day after that. If it hooks up on me too hard again, there will be no baking tomorrow and I probably have to bale the entire weekend about it. In the worst case, this pest off a virus has me untill after Christmas. But I don't expect that. I heard a caretaker saying she had this, too, and it was on her for a good week. Really, viruses spread kinda hard in an organisation like Leviaan. Health care staff and clients, among neighbours alltogheter in a small community centre can be a harch off infections. Especially in winter. 

I bale even harder now I had to skip Wednesday Soup this week, while it was freezing outside and everyone was cold. I want my weekly soup lunch to be as dependable and as stately and firm as Buckingham Palace. It's there every week and it's provided with utmost care. No point off discussion. But it can't be when I'm sick as a dog and there's no one to replace me. It didn't take place this week in that nasty cold. And I couln't bake for them. All I could do was being sick at home this week. 

I have been preparing like crazy for a nasty cold season this winter. But now I heard they say the next months will probably be soft. I have been thinking it could be a hard and strict winter this year. I have been purchasing Norwegian goat wool socks. As uncharming and a-sexy as can be, but I love them each winter. My feet are warm and comfortable. For example. I'm somewhat off a hoarder. I have also been hoarding lipbalm, warm sweaters and peanutbutter. I expect the snow still to come this year. Appearently I have been wrong. But somehow I still expect snow. 

I have been loosing it a bit on sweaters. Christmas sweaters, and cute pastel sweaters. Large and comfy, and it feels like wearing a cloud. Maybe I'm doing worse next year, so at least I have purchased sweaters and socks now to keep me warm. Who knows? Honestly, I could wear a diffrent sweater each day I'm off to my family (for the holidays) this year. One for the day before Christmas eve, one for Christmas eve, one for Christmas and one for boxing day. And then I'm probably still not out off them. Is that a tick or a good idea? It's probably a good idea if I don't do this each year. 

Wasn't I the one who said people better don't stick out each other's eyes with new clothes each time since this is a crisis? I'm wearing a new pastel sweater today. I have been wearing it yesterday evening, and somehow I already have the feeling I make people jealouse with them. I haven't made anyone jealouse with the goat wool socks so far, but a new sweater everytime hopefully won't get the best off them. I keep it moderate with the rest off my clothes, though. I barely wear make-up and moderate jewelry. I have been wearing a bit off Christmas sparkle from my new Christmas eyeshadow these weeks. As if I have been practicing for Christmas the entire month somehow. But usually I don't wear make-up and when I do I keep it soft and moderate. New sweaters could already be enough to push someone over the edge. Jealouse people be jealouse, like always, but these are diffrent circumstances.

That's probably all I can say about today: I feel like wearing a pastel cloud, I'm getting better from a flu, the worst cold is over and it's heading to Christmas. I think about also spending New Year's eve with my family. I haven't done so for years, but maybe this year that's a good idea. Other than that, I can say I'm glad I survived this week off the 'cold moon.' As the full moon off December is also called. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   


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