woensdag 28 december 2022

Good evening at the 28th off December, 2022.

Good evening everyone, 

Today is rainy and stormy end-off-the-year weather in the Netherlands. 


I came home from my Christmas holiday at my parental home this monday evening. 

I took a few days off rest, but this morning was for preparing chicken curry soup at de Boed for their soup lunch. Some people thought it to be a bit too spicy, while others loved it. It's not been an allrounder, but for the fans it was pretty good. (I know if you wish to hand out free soup for everyone, you'd better keep it moderate. But I wished to practice a bit with my receipe for Chicken curry soup.) People who loved it really loved it, and had a good soup for their lunch. 

It's a bit off a pity my helping hand has gone off. I had a helping hand in soup making who cut the vegetables, but there has been a violent incident with him and now he's gone off to an other daycare. I really miss having someone helping me cutting all the veggies and the meat. On the other hand, it's more peacefull at de Boed now and there's something to say not to be cursed and sworn at early morning during soup making. 

After soup making I took an afternoon off rest and laid on my bed all the time untill dinner. It's been that kind off weather. I wish to make a last Christmas style baking this week, and bake de Boed some cupcakes since I have a lot off eggs left this week. It's just that I can't set myself to it this week. But it's a pity to let those eggs being wasted. Though everyone is still full off their Christmas dinner. It's a last Christmas style / New Year's eve gift. But I'm just too tired to do it. Last year, we had a lot off Christmas cookies at de Boed, but this year they don't. I don't know if de Boed plays it sober this year. All I know is we didn't have much Christmas at our coffee break. I had more Christmas style bakings on my planning, but I got sick short before Christmas. So all I have done is a large banana bundt cake. This weekend probably will be all about 'Oliebollen.' en 'Appelflappen.' At de Boed. (Traditional Dutch New Year's eve treats.) so I suppose they won't allow me to bake. I'm so tired this week, I should allow myself some rest. But it's a big waste off eggs. 

I have advise for this year: Try to have fun despite it all. Do things that make your heart beat faster. If you keep it between lines off sanity, nothing is wrong with a little excitement every now and then. I'm telling you this because I could use it myself. To have more fun instead off being locked up inside, being stuck at one place most off the time. In my case, my disease holds me back and the place off Zaandijk to be a bit far off off things. If I had the chance, I would have done more exciting things last year. But life held me back, and instead off being out, I baked a lot and made people's weekends with it. It's also fun, but I just wished I had done more other things last year. I probably keep at one place, baking all the time for people here since it's safe and sane, and people love it and it can be exciting if everything works out fine, but I probably kept myself a bit too safe from the world. I could also try new and cool things inside my home (Because I need healthcare and can't be off just like that.) But it's a good idea to use the year to your advantage and take a step, do something cool, and be more outgoing than you usually would and enjoy life. That's my tip for 2023. It doesn't has to cost the world, you can have fun without spending the headprice. As long as it makes your heart beat faster. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 


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