maandag 26 december 2022

Good afternoon at the 26th off December, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today is your typicall boxing day grey kind off day. It's cold and grey outside, and gloomy. 


Do I know who is going to win this war in Ukraine? To be honest, The west is going to win. Not Ukraine or Russia, but if we would truly interfere with Western Europe and the U.S by our side, we will win. 

I just hope they will do so before it's going to get too much out off hand.

But the West is going to win this war. I just have the idea they will take their time before truly interferring, and things will not go well for a while in the world. Russia at this point is getting exhausted. If they play it like this for a while, and then all off a sudden the west pops up with new mancrafts and materials, we surely stand a good chance. I just hope people will understand the need off it instead off protesting against going to war. Sometimes a bit off violence is needed to cause peace. 

I just hope people are prepared to go to war once it's set upon us. That's probably against all good: Mobilisation in these countries. But it's needed to win and stand a real chance against Russia. I'm sorry to say. 

The west has more modern armor and techniques than Russia. It's going to cause WWIII and it's not going to be pretty. But this is war and it's downright nasty. 

I hope you understand. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

Edit: I really hate to predict this. It feels terrible. I rather would like to predict true peace on earth all at once, but I bet that's not going to happen. If we give it a free hand, peace is going to be far away. But I HATE to tell this is going to be the way to cause it. It feels so terrible. 

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