vrijdag 13 oktober 2023

Good afternoon at the 13th off October, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's rainy and cloudy yet still somewhat warm. There is more cold weather forecasted after the weekend. 


Yesterday I created a video with an important message to the world. It's in Dutch only, but I think it's worthit sharing with everyone. It's about my vieuw on sharing during a crisis, and a call for everyone to keep their head held up high no matter how deep this crisis is. 

It's incredibly simple made. It's just spoken text and an orange screen with a little written text here and there. I picked orange because it was the trend colour to summer 2023. It has no other reason than that, I could have picked pink and nobody would have batted an eye, but I made it orange just because off fashion and trends this year. Usually I don't do that, but these days I mildly follow fashion. I'm not an expensive brand follower, or fashion addict, but some items are incredibly cool, also in my size. 

So it was fun to follow despite the rest off my items being cheap and affordable. (Like white sneakers, and a denim summer jacket for fashion items, from affordable brands.) Offcourse I also wore something orange. Just a plain short sleeve shirt, but it did perfectly for the trend. And this fall I do a take on Gothic Chic. (I feel I should update my make-up with it, but it looks fancy and edgy and cool so far. I still don't wear make-up often. I won't head for chanel and the like, but dark lips and pale skin are allowed on the streets with this trend, so I should go after that. Finally it's somewhat off fashion.) And I keep on dying my hair a neutral cool blonde shade. And it's pretty long. 

I'm a fashion follower nowadays. So pure out off fashion following the video ended up being orange. 

If you understand Dutch, I hope you enjoy watching. I know it's somewhat off preeching and speeching, but I felt it was necessairy. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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