donderdag 26 oktober 2023

Good evening at the 26th off October, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

The morning started with thick cold fog everywhere. Like the river Thames in London, England according to classic tales. But then in shabby old Zaandijk, but then without a heartwarming baking. But people can't be lucky every day. It's been a common Thursday, after all. If I would not compare this to romantic London and ghoststories, It would depress me either. 


It's been cold and depressing this morning, and then I have been coughing up coffee on my red sweater at morning coffee time and had to change to something else very early on. It's not been a problem. But I felt almost too pretty this morning. That must have been probably it. The day has been pretty much alike most days. Food, breaks, coffee- shower, that's mainly been it. Swimming was canceled due to Fall vacation. Kids from school always have one vacation week during Autumn around October. But it always means the swimming pool is open for them and closed for us. Neither off us wants to swim in a pool crowded with annoying kids, and there was no replacement. So the day was pretty boring. We had cauliflower with boiled potatoes and a kromeskie for dinner. Just your average potato day covered in morning fog. And it was really cold today. 

Just for today I have such a sad feeling. It's not like I have been crying, but my soul just feels so heavy and sad, such big woe, like it's almost crying. Over the fate off Ukraine, the victims, the war, and the unfairness here at home with all the poor people. It's almost Samhain and I feel like burning candles and incense to light up that evening with something cozy. And candles for my passed family. Simply because my own soul can use that. Some Autumn cozyness. No Halloween ghosts and scary stuff for me, just Autumn cozyness. I believe that's not a crime. My soul longs for comfort. There has been too much tense and depression in the air these days. People here at de Boed fight each other all the time. (Mental people...) 

I feel so sad. Life is hard and the world is so dark. People have no money and we have to take all off it. It's a thick sense off sadness that's stuck inside off me. I think we all need therapy after this. It's not in my head, but in my being. A strange sad aura I feel. British take on this by drinking Earl Grey tea. I think I can use a large cup'o tonight. I have it in my cupboard, and who stops me? I think I'm going to make myself some tea and end today's weblog with that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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