vrijdag 20 oktober 2023

Good evening at the 20th off October, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's cold and it's raining cats and dogs outside. It's typicall Dutch autumn weather. 


This morning I sold a painting I made at de Boed on Wednesday. I can ask 5 euro's only for my works. It's a massive amount for the people who live here, and care staff thinks that's acceptable. More expensive is simply not allowed. I don't have a picture off it on here, it got sold before I could take it. It's a painting off a ginger haired woman, looking seriously into a black clouded stormsky, thinking 'I can withstand it.' And I gave her make-up on her face. The person purchasing it thought it was absolutely gorgeous. It represents my feelings towards the crisis. As far as it will go the upcomming months untill January. 'I can withstand it.' Is my personal feeling towards it. Despite the holidays being expensive, and there being a crisis and a war. I don't know how it will go after January, but we'll see about that. As for now, I think I'm going to make it through. And that's the idea off the painting. 

I also made a painting off a monkey. Which was fun to paint in. People think it's a cool painting. My Chinese zodiac is the Monkey. And I had fun painting in one. I believe being a monkey helps me during this crisis. It helps me to find solutions and ways others simply would never dare to take. It doesn't make me beloved, but monkeys don't care about that. We simply live for our own sake and fun. That's what it always says and it's probably true. People can't fully calculate me most off the time. But to be honest, I do feel with them, but not enough to be social or 100% nice with them. But how it works, it works, and during this crisis, it's almost miracolously how everything fits in and works for me.  Including my hard-to-deal-with western zodiac. It's almost a miracle how everything mends in and brings me further, despite everything. As long as I don't expect big things to happen, but what is still possible for me... almost a miracle. 

Not that I would cheer for crisis or war, but I think I just have big fat luck with the circumstances I live in nowadays, despite it all. Under any normal circumstances, I would never recomend this to anyone. But nowadays it works out. 

This afternoon was for having coffee at my home and working out the notes for the local Leviaan client council. I'm somewhat educated, and I can take perfect meetng notes. I'm the note taker there, and I even like to do so. I also like to work them out on a Google docs. They (The client council) always think they're perfect and clear. I'm not brilliant at council politics or discussing things, but I'm a good note taker. And I earn 5 euro's volunteer fee each time I take seat there. 

I have the feeling I'm truly over with my feelings for Edo. It was strange, short and sweet. And I liked to keep clean a bit more than usuall. But nowadays it's gone and so is my urge to shower and clean every day. Maybe my system simply needed this. Maybe it has something to do with sorting out things and emotions, or getting more hygienic somehow and physically simply needing that, but that's the higher mathematic off how human beings work. I can't figure out. All I know is that it's just fine with me simply being single and free on my mind again. And I haven't done anything wrong. I think Edo doesn't read this to begin with and I haven't shot anyone for their ass with it. Just the readers. But I believe it's not much off a problem. Maybe it was just a simple and sweet witches' crush. Who knows. But it's best not to over-think that too much and go on with life. I truly am some sort off a sarcastic old coffee spinster. But who cares. It's lovely autumn weather, I can wear fall fashion and there's fresh coffee. Life is still beautifull. It's very cheesy to end this weblog with that. So, let's do that. 😉   

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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