zondag 22 oktober 2023

Good afternoon at the 22th off October, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cold outside with here and there a small hint off sun. But it's still cold. 


Today we had a little insecurity with de Boed being open or not, due to lack off staff. But they found someone who wanted to work today, so we have luck and there will be cake this afternoon with our coffee. Otherwise it had to wait untill tomorrow, but I think in this time and day such a cake is a bit too special for a plain old Monday. No matter how much it should be cheered up during a cold crisis autumn. So for this afternoon, on a cold autumn crisis Sunday, there will be a scrumptious banana cake. 

I had even more off a downer, the give away shop was closed for fellow clients this week. Due to lack off staff. So the laundry softner give away has to wait untill they fixed that. Luckily laundry softner doesn't spoil. I was afraid I had to dust off some old Buddha wisdom: 'The only special occasion in life, is life itself.' And I had to accept the way it worked out this week. But with the cake we have luck, and the laundry softner will be solved next week, once there will be staff for the give away shop again. In their defence, the give away shop is run by clients who can feel it's too much sometimes. So I think I should not be too harsh on them. And it doesn't actually matter when I actually make people happy with laundry softner, this week or next week, as long as it takes place. 

When you're permanently sick, that Buddhistic wisdom 'The only special occasion in life, is life itself.' Is truly one off the best, since it takes count off circumstances where we can be doing bad and not celebrate something on the day itself. Buddha forgives when we do so later on. I love Buddha for it. Buddha has mercy for us. Sometimes things in the world work out like that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 




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