zondag 29 oktober 2023

Good evening at the 29th off October, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's cloudy, grey and stormy outside. It's depressing Autumn weather. 


I know for people like Natasha I'm death. She avoids and ignores me like the plague and pretends I don't excist anymore, just like the others. I suppose they don't even read the 'Vana goes bankrupt.' prediction from previous post, while it's important. I don't know if they can still afford internet. That could also be the case. 

To some, Natasha van der Stelt is holy and sacred, to me, she's just a stupid cunt who treats me like shit. I can't think off her pretentious and arrogant ass as holy. I don't like the downright snob. I never liked her to begin with. I think off her as a big hypocrit. 

She should READ these weblogs instead off sticking her head in the sand and pretent it's not there. Just like the news and the inflation. She is offcourse a free being, but nowadays  I think off her as a stupid being, not being informed about the world and not caring enough. A woman is only as wise as her surrounding likes to make and see her. She's just another arrogant snob, and nothing more or less than that. 

I could spend my energy and time a million times better than over-thinking about her and having issues with her, but it's there and I feel troubled over this stupid wife off the head organizer. I suspect her to be jealouse off me. And un-emancipated and fake. I could throw mud on her illiteral face an entire weblog long. I hate her that much. And she hates me, too. She has done violence to the whole sacred, emancipated vieuw on women in modern Dutch paganism. I can't say it other than that. She and her whole fake 'Rather be an innocent housewife than a kick-ass bitch.' Attitude. I hate it. She's not modern enough for what she does, but rather throws them 200 years back in emancipation. It's just too bad. And then the gossip, the lies and behind the elbow-tactics with them. In your face is too rude, but below the belt everything is accepted so it seems. And that's not it. It's just not it. She's not cool. 

 I should not fear her anymore. Let's be brave, honest and do the right thing about it. 

Vana Events is corrupt. You better don't believe them. They are fake and gossip a lot about people. I see myself as too honest to get along with it. The World should know about it. They are going to tell you I'm mad and schizophrenic, but that's not about it with it. It's them and their massive stupidity these days and it has always been. I think it's about time people are going to listen for once. This is not Schizo, it's the truth. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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