vrijdag 3 november 2023

Good afternoon at the 3th off November, 2023.


Good afternoon everyone, 

The storm has layed down. It's windy and rainy still, and the storm was somewhat frightfull. I was scared last night, but I survived. 


I purchased this book previous week, and it's nominated for 'The Golden Cookbook 2023.' 

I think that's legid and it's a very good work about Belgian baking history, with plenty off historical treatises, stories and images. And offcourse a receipe here and there. If you love history and food, this work combines it and it's a perfect read also if you are more into the historical part off baking off the 'Low Lands.' off western Europe. It's richly illustrated and I have some difficulties going through it, but I read in parts. Otherwise it's a bit too hard, which is probably because it's for the higher educated or the historicall geeks among us. And for me, the food and history lover. I haven't read all off it yet, it's more off a history book. which makes it more than an average cookbook. 

If you can afford, and you love food, baking and history, it's the perfect gift for the holidays and I think it deserves the award.


Sometime things are mesmerizing me. Like the book mentioned before. I live sober, I don't eat a slice off bread too much these days and I think I do well in re-wearing instead off hoarding a closet full off new winter clothes. So despite being poor, the book was alluring and longing for me from the shelve in the bookstore. I just had to have it previous week. I think that's the pre off being an old spinster without children. Really, I see being washed and baking as my biggest luxury these days. So I had some money on hand for it. It was just too good to resist. People are mean, so let's forgive myself for it. The only problem I have, and it's a first world problem, is wishing to purchase all off Regula's works, which are quite expensive these days. If they are all this alluring and good. And the three new issues off the cooking bible series. Just all off it for me, please. I think I'm going to spread the costs. Not all off it at once, but spread so it's more affordable / capable to do. Nobody forces me to purchase these all at once, but I would love to have them myself. (On the other hand, nobody forces not to purchase them either.) So I can save out on dogfood, baby bottles, presents for my husband and the in-laws and diapers a few months more and purchase these instead. It's a pro being an old spinster these days. I can only live for myself, so I should live for myself and enjoy life. As far as that goes on my single governmental wage budget, but it goes so far. 

And grocery shopping? Just for myself. So nobody bats an eye if I would purchase Christmas make-up and scented shower stuff. I think I will go a bit overboard with that and not keep myself to my promise. Yves Rocher is out with it's Christmas make-up collection and it's sooo pretty this year. I requested money for it from my accountant, and I got it. That's what one got for being a sober old spinster all the time: there is money when desired during a crisis. I have been saving ever since I was only 16. I don't like to share too much information with you, but if I wish for something and I keep it sane these days, it's there. I believe in saving, sobriety and working hard at your own level. Even if that means cooking for fellow clients a lot. And flipping my coins a bit more on a daily base. (And trying to stay with two feet in the world instead off flying away on delusions.) If I didn't have these delusions... but on the other hand, I think I can do this. Surviving the crisis. Inflation hits me, but I can take it. I have been saving all the time ever since being 16. Or my accountant did for me. I never have been rich, but I'm granted with what I have. And that's the most important thing these days. I think I'm going to enjoy the scents and the Christmas sparkle. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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