zaterdag 4 november 2023

Good morning at the 4th off November, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's cold and windy outside. Leaves are finally colouring and falling off the trees. They where on the late side this autumn. 


Sometimes I got it a bit high in my head. Sometimes I'm taking it a bit too high or too far, just like this morning when I used the ingredients I purchased for the apple-crumble tray cake I prepared. It's expensive for common folks, but for a crazy old spinster, it's still possible if I don't purchase it all at once. 

It has tiny 'Kruidnoten.' adjusted by me as a little extra to the basic receipe according to the package. It's perfect autumn comfort baking. I was on it early in the morning, since I couldn't catch sleep anymore. (Around 07.00) It's almost decadent these days to bake like that. Still I could not resist to purchase all flavours off this tray cake series and give each off them a try this winter. Well, I have no child coming up, so I saved out on a bugaboo. No, I'm serious, it has it's pro's to be an old spinster. This will be served tomorrow afternoon at the coffee moment at de Boed. 

I don't know for how long I can still bake. I just hope untill the last off my days, despite the crisis and everything becoming murderously expensive. When even spreading becomes too expensive. But for this weekend, It's good. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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