zondag 5 november 2023

Good morning at the 5th off November, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's a cold morning without rainshowers so far. It's still too dark to see the clouds outside. 


If I ask: 'How long is this crisis going to take place?' The answer I got most is 'It's going to take four winters, and this is the first one.' From my dad. My dad passed away in 2012. But sometimes he informs and warns me about things. It's a voice that's trustworthit. 

I think that's the correct answer I got from the occult. This crisis is going to take four winters. And this is the first one we have to go through. 

I'm so scared. I think I will make it through, but I feel so much with the victims world-wide. The (stupid) people who have never saved money, the hard workers who never had much, the victims in Ukraine, the children who never asked for this, and so on. It's too much for common people to take. Well, maybe I'm not scared, but merely worrying. I feel worried about the world. 

In the Netherlands, there will be elections the 22th, and all we worry about is: 'Is it trustworthit? Will our vote make a diffrence and do something about our issues?' Since politics have been a rathouse these years. I don't know about you, but if it's even rotten in the Netherlands, then there really could be something nasty going on. Most people don't trust politics anymore. The marks from the CBS about political trust have never been this low and something is impossibly wrong if the same party that has won the previous 12 years wins the elections this time. They messed up such big time and lost so much trust, people are either mad or something is deeply rotten if they win. Corrupt elections in the Netherlands? A downright scandal. Too much is going on and too much has happened. 

I hope next Christmas I will try A Shirley Temple bundt cake. (This year's bundt has already been determined. Since it requires ingredients that are 'on the shelves.') But if it's all this expensive, de Boed can forget about it. That's what I mention about the crisis. Barely being capable to bake. Or still baking and being very sober with the rest off life if I can't stand it anymore and have this urge. (That's what one got for having a hobby.) Everything is there, it's available, it's in the shops, but people can't have it anymore due to it's price tag. It's rotting away from the shelves since people can't buy it. (Well, not litterally and I haven't seen it actually happening, but sometimes I have that feeling.) The items don't get sold in my opinion. Just like luxury and expensive food products. (The more common products are nevertless still populair. But what we need we need.)  I still grab on empty shelves every often, so it's not that bad nothing got ever sold anymore, but usually I don't head for the luxury products. And most people with me. But you probably got me: It's all there but unaffordable. Which makes this such an intolerable crisis. 

They require a lot from us these days. Do they even care? Do they even realise that? Or are their eyes only focused on the money? 

The sun is getting out and it's promising to become a grey and cloudy day. It's dawn by now. (It's 07.21 when writing you this.) 

How in the world can this be solved? 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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