woensdag 1 november 2023

Good evening at the 1st off November, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's stormy, grey, rainy and cloudy outside. It's perfect cold autumn weather. 


This morning was for baking a treat for Friday afternoon, since there was time and place at de Boed's kitchen for that this morning, and since Friday they (Staff and the client council) are going to hold some sort off enquete for clients to request how they can make de Boed a better place, more cozy, more welcoming, more interesting for clients. I had the honour to bake them two raisin cakes for the occasion. I have been working with materials from de Boed. They are going to be dusted off with icing sugar short before serving. 

That's been my morning. I just hope people are not overly jealouse by these bakings. I have been using old tools, and old serving trays. But nevertless, for people who have nothing at all during this crisis, this could be a bit much. But it's not ment to stick someone out the eyes. I'm serious with it. I don't want to call something nasty upon me by baking for them. Let's keep it at it that this is for good business. 

Aside to baking, I have been donating a bottle off Andrélon shampoo and conditioner to the give away closet down the hall this afternoon. Doing my share off charity today. Simply because the multipacks arrived today. I always feel like immediately donating one package after it arrived, and storing the rest off it in the storage room. It would be nice if I would finish something finally. 

I have the feeling this December will be a very heavy month to bear for most people. Not only costs and war, but lately there have died a lot off people. Which always makes December a burden. It's too heavy for a bright, festive month in my head. 

And meanwhile the war in Ukraine continues, but all that's on the news is Israel-Palestina. I want to know about the Ukraine war and the crisis, and I would like to know what is going on in terms off games off power. What is real about what is suggested these days? It's enough to make common idiots like me suspicious what is suggested on the internet. Is it true that this is a power game to begin with? I wish the press would be serious upon that, and simply investigate if that is true. Since this war is too serious to ignore. What is going on behind the screens? Is there something going on behind the screens at all? Are all those rumors even true? Something should be after it and investigated in my opinion. And we should know about the Ukraine war more on the news. What is the truth? I think people just have the right to know. I wonder, is there something going on, and if so, what is going on? 

I think I would like to finish this weblog with that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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