donderdag 2 november 2023

Good morning at the 2nd off November, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's windy and cold, with here and there a rainshower. There is a storm predicted for today with an alarm code. 


I think I will be a bit frightned today due to the storm, but we have de Boed near where we can shelter when it's passing. It's not allright with me. I remember a storm we had in July, and that one was pretty scary. I hope this one will pass more mildly, but it's still something to be afraid off. 

I have been up from 05.00 AM on. I have this issue where I can't sleep anymore at a very early hour each morning. But it's not a bad thing since I do house chores like cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen at that time off the day. I have a more hygienic home, and a mind set off off things. And I'm glad I live on myself and don't annoy people with it at 05.00 AM. A man would probably not allow me to. I don't go intentionally out at 05.00 AM to do chores and clean, but when I can't sleep anymore, I do that to set off my mind in the morning. I love my home when it's this clean. And care staff compliments me on it a lot. Finally it's getting somewhere with me in psychiatric health. I also got complimented on how I look more hygienic. I have the urge to be more clean recently. I can't explain you where it comes from, but it helps so far. Not only clean, but pretty most off the time. I have my own style with it. reds, (Burgundy and bright reds) blacks, long golden blonde hair, dark nailpolish, cool beige coloured shoes (Boots!) and cool but fancy accessoires, it's dark chique at it's best. I love the trend. It's a Leo asking advice from a Scorpio on what to wear. It's a fancy November style these days. I'm a Leo with Scorpio as my moon sign, so it's not blasphemy to put it like that. I look sexy as hell with it. I have the feeling I can get any man on the terrain I set my mind on with this style, but I keep them at distance since that's not what I want. 

It's dark, seductive, sexy and chique. I want to be pretty these days. Pretty, mature and sexy. I have the feeling I'm somewhat off a heartbreaker these days. It's not my intention, but that's what a woman gets when her looks become vampy. It's like I wish to look like a vamp these days. I feel like a sexy rockstar with this on. A rockdiva. That's what I am these days. It's cool. But it's not overly Gothic. It's wearable and dark. Goths are wimps, rockdivas like me are power-women. And it doesn't lend on commercialism. It's not merchandise I wear, which doesn't make me an alternative geek. This is purely ment as a woman to take count with. A rebel, a bitch, an angel, sweet as an apple but not naive. Beauty with a mind off it's own. Stupid is something diffrent. That's what I crave for, and it's something completely diffrent than an ungroomed granny ghost. I'm both, a bitch and a sweetheart, and this reflects those two combined. It's what a man thinks he wants, but leaves him with a strong headache if he doesn't do it right. I got my jive back when it comes to looks. I feel like I'm out off depression when it comes to that. A beauty that kicks ass. That's my style off preference. 

I love Autumn since it allows people to add a certain kind off rock to their outfits. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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