zaterdag 18 november 2023

Good evening at the 18th off November, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's gloomy, dreary and rainy outside, adjusted with an even cooler temperature which makes it mildly freeze outside at night and cold at de Boed when having coffee there. It's winter knits weather.


Today a multipack off Douwe Egberts coffee arrived. I donated one at the give away closet sown the hall, and kept te rest off it in storage. I found out my go- to website for multipacks, also sells coffee and it's at a discount this week. They sell it in sweet winter edition packages. Very nice for Christmas and winter. Maybe it's good to inform people about that. Today, Sinterklaas excists for the person who found the package off coffee. 

Sinterklaas arrived in the Netherlands today. I have barely money for Sinterklaas treats. I'm glad my mom gave it this year like she does every year. So I have some at the 5th off December, but maybe I can't really resist, and go for some 'Speculaasbrokken.' this year, despite they are sooo stupidly expensive, it's almost a crime to have a kid these days. But I suppose I'm only human after all, so I believe I will grant myself some speculaas this year. With a cup off winter coffee. I believe I deserve that. 

I listen to Enya's 'And winter came' A lot. I have decorated my home already for Christmas, and I think that CD suits the ambience off the home and this winter season well. 'And winter came.' Is perfect background music for Christmas 2023! Also since it's not too cheerfull. Which I think is not appropriate this year. But it's comforting and it has ambience for this year. 



This is what it looks like and what you have to look for if you would like to listen yourself. It's a modern classic in  Fantasy circles already. It's Lord off the Rings combined with Christmas. It sells worldwide, so it's also something international readers can look for. It's cozy, comforting, it lifts the spirit like spiced winter tea and it's all you need this year. If you don't have a lot off money, or like me, a rush to buy it some time ago, you can also look in second hand shops. 

Wearing previous year's sweaters goes pretty well with me. There are other things you can spend money on if you save out on winter clothes by wearing previous year's ones. It's no big deal for me, but I haven't saved out on Christmas this year. I simply did not succeed in that. But I saved out on winter clothes. I think I will be proud off myself if it's March, and I made it with it. And I'm using previous year's decorations. I decked the halls with what I got, and I found some un-used christmas lights in the storage room, simply to spice it up this year. It's the same, but the lights make it diffrent. All I need for now, is a table sized mini Christmas tree. And finish this year's decorating. (I live in a small flat. A life size Christmas tree would not make sense. But a small one I can place on a table is perfect for me.) 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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