zaterdag 4 november 2023

Good evening at the 4th off November, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

It's raining all day. It's depressing, cold and windy. Nobody should be volunteerly out at this day. 


So, aside from a left over raisin cake at de Boed, this day is quite depressing with an even more depressing meal ahead. It's like Great Britain at some points in this village. The more old fashioned parts off Great Britain. Most people dwell in poverty over here and where gratefull for another day off cake. That's not English, but it's the reality off the day here. The characteristics off Zaandijk is that it's fancy and old fashioned, but most people where I live are very poor. Especially these days. I hope the crisis will pass like the devil on a motorcycle so everyone can have a better live again soon.

Fancy or Frumpy, it's how the youth probably sees it. I have no problems with a bit old fashioned. Actually it's to my liking. The weekend at de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, is usually boring and the people are often fighting each other with words. They are old and mental. And we can sigh in relief each day when nobody has pooped their pants. (Like they do sometimes.) Most of us don't, but some old retards do that sometimes. One side off the village is cultural heritage, while the other side is poor as the streetbricks. And a shame whenever a lost tourist wanders off there. 

At first I thought this village to be depressing despite it's attempts to look romantic, but nowadays, during this crisis, it is romantic to live here. Which gives it a little more allure. Like with this down the spine, I can take it a bit better to live here. And it's a fancy way to live cheap. I'm glad they finally get to renovate the poorest homes in this village, and make them appropriate. I think the rent will increase, but at least it won't be such a shabby and desperate sight anymore. 

I send my mom often those cheesy postcards with 'Greetings from Holland.' with tulips and windmills, for fun, like they sell here a lot. She likes them and thinks they decorate the bulletin board down their hall well. It's loaded with windmill- and easter cards. Spring / Holland themed. You'd think I hang to the extreme right in politics with it. I actually don't and think it's stupid for them to claim our cultural heiritage for their good. Living in a typicall Dutch village. But greetings from Holland then, to my mom, who actually lives in Holland but more at the sea side off it. She thinks the frumpyness off the Holland cards is funny and cute. I have send them to my entire family. They think they're funny. 

The rain falls, and makes a mud pool off the grasfield behind the building. Nothing cheers people up like an apple baking these days, and I'm satisfied with myself to have one for them tomorrow at coffee time. I hope it will, those old cranks should take life a bit more easy sometimes. But they don't let that tell to them. Their low intelligence makes life hard for them sometimes. Just like their hardship to adapt to things. But I suppose that's why some are in here. I hope the tray cake will do something for them. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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