maandag 20 november 2023

Good evening at the 20th off November, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was rainy, grey and cold outside. 


This morning was for Monday Grocery shopping, and this afternoon was for baking two raisin cakes, dusted off with icing sugar. They will be for de Boed, community centre in Zaandijk, for tomorrow's afternoon coffee break I got one off these molds for free from a fellow client, I borrowed the mixing bowl from de Boed since it required a large amout off batter, and the mixer was a gift from mom. There's something to say for that I purchased the ingredients myself. But it's a good thing baking with equipment that came to me for free. 

There's also something to say for Brussle sprouts, boiled potatoes and a meatball for dinner when serving these cakes ahead for coffee at de Boed. It's as if it's coincidence that always happens when I baked raisin cakes for de Boed. It happened two times before, this will be the third time, but I did so on purpose. I wanted to bake raisin cakes, but then saw Brussle sprouts and potatoes on the menu and decided to pin it to that otherwise boring Tuesday. It's almost old fashioned housewife's pride to serve that. Ahead to such a meal. It makes it somewhat frumpy, but I know the old fashioned folks at de Boed will appreciate and love these cakes tomorrow with their coffee. I think I even make some readers jealouse with this. Due to this being a crisis and baking being overly expensive. Under normal circumstances, this would have been too less, too old fashioned and too easy going. But everything in the light off it's own era, I believe people will get jealouse after reading this. Especially those who have nothing due to the crisis. But that's not my intention with it. Though it's decadent and feels almost cool to flaunt with it. Vintage housewife cool as this is nowadays. But that's the problem with this world these days. Hopefully one day after this I will laugh about the idea to have made people jealouse with raisin cakes and Brussle sprouts, cooked by a community centre. Am I even serious with this? Maybe for the duration off the crisis and people not being capable to afford it. I'm not kidding about it, there are a lot off poor people on their last leggs these days. They say we should get used to a long period off less luxury than what we used to. And for now, they are right. But to be honest with you, These raisin cakes are all I can afford nowadays to bake. 

If you wonder what happened to the ridges on my cakes: One mold was too old and faded to be still safe to use, so I only have one left. I can't use two anymore. Purchasing a new ridge mold is quite pricey, so I had to work with what I got today. They don't look as fancy anymore. But do they still look tasty? I hope so. And served with a napkin or on a pastry plate tomorrow, there is a lot the audience will forgive. As long as it tastes good. It's still a gift that comes from a good heart. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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