vrijdag 10 november 2023

Good evening at the 10th off November, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it was cold, rainy and depressing. Streets are covered in fallen leaves. 


I feel a bit wobbly on my feet these days. But still I arrived at my mom's for her birthday. My mom is turning 65 this Saturday. Today was for resting a bit after arriving early. I came out off bed early and caught the first bus after they handed my medication this morning. I came out around 05.30. So you can imagine I'm tired. 

Sleep is becoming somewhat off aan issue, and it's a sign for mental people to become wobbly. 

This evening was for preparing the soup for mom's birthday. My beloved Zaanish mustardsoup. favourite to the manager off de Boed, a small community centre in Zaandijk. She never liked soup, untill my mustard soup made her love all off my soups. But I'm nothing like the soup you can buy pe-packed. I prepare my soup hotel-restaurant worthy. I don't like to brag about myself, but my cooking so good, it doesn't deserve less than praise, even when you see yourself as down to earth as I see myself. Even down to earth it's good. 

I made a picture off the finished result. It's divine according to mom, who has never tasted this before. If you don't believe me, the management off Leviaan and the city council alderman and his staff are all convinced. I made it once for an official meeting lunch they held at de Boed. And they loved it and complimented me about it. But now it's for my mom's birthday. Somehow I never expected to make a career out off preparing soup. Wednesday Soup has stopped for now, since I can't guarantee to be well enough for it at the moment to de Boed. And Wednesday is going to be for a new project. But it was quite a succes to prepare soup every week for fellow clients, who gratefull had a bowl each week. It's gratefull work to cook well for people. Maybe it's been good to stop with it, because I felt it's been quite enough. And like said, there will be a new project with food around the corner. But I can add 'Soup Chef.' To my curriculum vitae. 

Maybe I should publish a small cookbook with all the soups I have been working out during those two and a half years. 

So this afternoon has been for making use off my cooking talent to help with mom's birthday preparation. 

I wish to end this weblog with a small poem I have been writing some time ago: 

This world is dark, 

People are strange, 

You lit a spark- 

My day did change. 

It's about how small deeds can change someone's day for the good. If only for a moment, we can help someone feel lighter in this difficult world. 😉

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    


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