dinsdag 28 november 2023

Good evening at the 28th off November, 2023.

 Good evening everyone, 

Storm has come over us. It's rainy stormwind around the house this dark and lonely night. 


There is a possibility where the war with Russia will end this spring. Not untill st. Juttemas, but this very spring, spring 2024. It's a possibility we have to take serious, like the possibility off europe being in the dark for a long period. Where touristic buildings have to be taken off off light and energy due to the energy bill we can't afford anymore if this continues. 

AND then there's the possibility where the war and the crisis will end this very spring, and I have been an idiot all along with my stock off resources untill St. Juttemas. Sometimes it works like that. With visions, there are usually a few diffrent possibilities which can be very confusing. Especially when you bet on the wrong horse, and one horse wins the race. Every possibility can come true, but there are diffrent paths and it's in the hand off the humans who play the roles in these visions. And sometimes there's one steady path we all will follow, and we have no choice in it. It's all there, it's all in mankind's hand. I think it may sound too vague, or like too much off a charlatan, but I definetely have seen the possibility off the world being free from war again this very own spring. 

We can be free off war and nuclear threat this very spring, and not have to 'deal with less luxury for a longer period.' Like the former president off this country declared. It can all be over this very spring, I saw myself preparing expensive foods in my own kitchen, I saw the country being free and cheap again, I saw people being greedy pigs after the crisis. It's all a possibility which can come true. Will that happen? 

I believe it's either short and stingy, or pretty long and unbearable with this war. I hope we can do something about it. Maybe they can hack the Russian war system, make it unworkable and stop the entire thing from working and then attack when it's all out off order. Advanced as we are. But maybe that's too simple. But it's war, and maybe the west thinks too straight forward for war with Russia. Maybe we should play it more crooked and evil to win from these guys, before they run even more over us. It's war, for godsake... But who knows, maybe that strategy is thought out waaaay too simple.  

But mind my words, we should not let go off our guard or survival techniques too soon, but this spring it could happen, and peace will be upon us again. If we have luck. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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