woensdag 5 maart 2025

De crisisboerin

 Goedemorgen iedereen, 

Het is buiten steenkoud deze nacht. 


Ik heb mijn eigen draai gegeven aan mijn manier van leven tijdens deze crisis. Ik put inspiratie uit het boeren landleven van mijn voorouders, en het idee van de crisis van de jaren '30 van de vorige eeuw. Ik weet gek genoeg hoe ik ermee om moet gaan, alsof de inspiratie al heel lang in me zit: Als een crisisboerin. Met Vintage Belle meubilair en serviesgoed, ouderwets en goedkoop eten, en het goed schoon houden van mijn woning. Heel gek, vroeger schaamde ik me lichtelijk als ik iemand op bezoek kreeg, nu kunnen ze elke week langs komen en ik heb niks om me voor te schamen, zo knus, gezellig, schoon en opgeruimd als het hier is. En goedkoop, voedzaam boeren eten. Verse groenten, aardappelen en vlees, of een verspakket, en goede tosti's, roomboter, eieren en goed fruit. Als ik voor de rest zuinig ben, kan het er van af. Dan kan ik later met andere snobs snobben dat ik verse groenten en fruit te eten had 'tijdens de oorlog.' Want meer weelde had ik niet. Nou ja, het huis is lichtelijk weelderig. Maar wel op zo'n manier dat het ingetogen is, en je het zou kunnen vinden op een chique ouwe boerderie die romantisch is aangekleed. Het is heel gezellig, een ouderwetse idyle. Eigenlijk meer gebaseerd op de chique tut-kant van de early 10's. Gewoon het normale leven voor de meesten in Noord-Holland van vóór de oorlog. Het vergt aardappelen schillen, en groenten snijden, en eieren bakken. En je moet niet lui zijn en lichtelijk bekwaam in de keuken. Ik noem mezelf 'de crisisboerin.' In een gewone tijd is het heel goedkoop en simpel eten, tegenwoordig ben ik blij dat ik het nog heb en het nog kan betalen op zo'n manier. En er is niks mis met vintage boerin spelen. Er gaat hier nog altijd een zweem van trots uit naar vintage crisis boerinnen. Dus eigenlijk is het een soort eer. En het helpt. Me erdoor laten inspireren helpt om het het hoofd te bieden en ermee om te kunnen gaan. Ik heb natuurlijk geen gezin en koeien op stal, maar het helpt voor mezelf om de sfeer er een beetje in te houden. In de antieke groene weelde van oud Zaandijk ga je 'm ook voelen als je zo wenst te leven. Dan word je iets trotser op het dure eten als het goed is, en is het niet meer zo erg als het simpel is. Als je boerenland een trots vind. Zeker voor Nederland en Hollands welvaren is het goed. Ik wil niet extreem rechts klinken, maar met een zweem van trots eten als het vers en goed is, is niet erg. Zeker niet als het duur is. Het maakt het minder erg dat het minder is en het zuinig moet. En ik kies meestal fruit inplaats van snoep en andere rotzooi. Omdat het heel gezond is. Dat is ook al zo oud als de wereld. Een crisisboerin eet goed fruit inplaats van snoep. En ze leeft betrekkelijk eenvoudig, maar trots. En het helpt. Het is mijn manier om de crisis het hoofd te bieden. 

Ik hoop dat je er wat aan hebt, 

Bedankt voor het lezen!   

Good morning at the 5th off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

This night it's icy cold in the Netherlands. 


Europe is going to invest 800 billion in warfare, politics head more to the right and the conservative, and there are voices to start nuclear power plants in The Netherlands at a scale where it was first unthinkable. All due to war. Let me tell you this: It's going to be like this for the entire upcoming decade. We have no choice and it will all be as shocking and conservative well behaved politically correct as a naked ass. It matches my 'worst case.' visions. Even the war vehicles match the visions. Lump as they are. I hope it doesn't go wrong from here, it's a possibility. But in the main scenario we will get out off this. And things will turn out to be allright again after seven years from now. In 2032 the crisis is over, untill then it's big business for warfare. It even gets to a point where they want to re-work  coal-fired power stations and coal mines. It's getting that desperate for energy. And the fossil industry will reign. It's pitch black for environmental activists. We have no choice but to accept for now. We can't work against this big war fist. It is what it is. But once it will end. That's what I think I can say for now. That this shit won't be forever going on. And there will be true peace again. That's what I hold on to to keep my head held up high. (If that vision is correct. I doubt, doubt, doubt so much lately.) I heard a voice that 'This matery is great to put inspiration from, but not to blindly follow.' It's a shady way to get informed about this. I'm getting a bit insecure from things going on. And what if it turns out diffrent? Then I would make a fool out off myself. It's not over soon, but it will end in the relatively short term for such a war. And we have to take count off growth marks that are not correct. They are displayed way more sunny than they actually are. There is far less economic growth in Europe than what they tell us. Something is wrong with that. It's just not possible for me to prove. 

Offcourse I fear, fear that my vision goes wrong, and we will get on the wrong path. But I don't fear warfare itself, or the upcoming period too much. I don't want to talk right what's going on. It's not to my preference. It's just that I know we have no choice but to accept. Temporarily. We have to grid our teeth a bit deeper. Scratch euros a bit harder, and hope for the better in the future. One day, peace will come. It's just that it's less positive during this time and day off age. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

dinsdag 4 maart 2025

Good morning at the 4th off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's a steady cold night in The Netherlands. 


The art off crisis is to stay perfectly clean. I maintain, I do it. I just wonder if I can keep up with it after this crisis is done. To keep things just as smooth and fresh. I'm not that much off a home maker. Though it's perfectly maintained, and I cook foods several times a week. I had a voice in my head: 'Men wish their wife was like you. Even gay men wish their boyfriend was like you. Not for looks, for charms or money, but for maintaining a home and preparing fresh foods every day for them.' I'm not very emancipated. 'Oh, look. Maaike has done her chores and cooked food again.' Often I post about it on the internet, with pictures. I got the perfect old fashioned Dutch name siding it, making people feel very homey and comfortable. But it's a woman who has done all that. I don't mind when people feel like that with me, it's the biggest compliment I can get. I'm almost part off Dutch authenticity myself with such a name. People think I'm cute for doing all that. But it's role convirmation. Not that I have a man, I'm too sick and too poor for that. But maybe I set a wrong example or a certain tone off voice for this. Though I love it. I'm not doing bad with it. People love me for it, and I think my mom is proud. But maybe I'm a bit old fashioned with all off it. Though I feel that during this crisis, it's more necessairy than ever. I'm such a cozy goose with what I do with this name, it's how men fall better in love in the Netherlands than with the most seductive barbie doll. When a woman has a cute, old fashioned name, and does what I do. But will I keep up with it? It's a certain pressure under which I seem to work well. I used to slack before. The home was more off a mess, and cooking was diffrent. Sure, after the crisis I will still be making pancakes, or mop the floor and cook authentic Dutch foods, but as steadily frequent as today? Or does the Rockchick in me take over and let it all fly by? I better don't. I'm watched by this care organisation. It makes me feel a bit insecure. I do very well for my doing, simply feeling the importance off this a little more. And I have several fans among friends I don't want to let down. I hope the demons and the monsters which would make me screw up will stay away in me after this crisis. It's quite a role on my shoulders. Maybe I could tie it a little less strict. Give more air to myself. But darn, can my parents be proud off what I do? Keeping the home clean, keeping myself clean and fed, entertaining the nation with it during war time- all off that. During this era it goes more fluently than during other times. Today will be for the laundry, and washing up in the kitchen, ever since yesterday it's been a mess. And then taking it more slow for the rest off the week. Handy thing about doing chores on Monday, is that it's done for the rest off the week. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

maandag 3 maart 2025

Good morning at the 3th off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's a dark and cold night in The Netherlands. 


I feel I'm full with inspiration to cook daring things. It's a bit outstanding, since lately I felt like preparing potatoes, vegetables and meat all the time. My way, it's delicious, but it's the other end off edgy, it's as dull as the streetbricks in this country where you can stil cook anything. 

What would work: An affordable Albert Heijn. And people who are less stuck up with our Dutch culture and tradition. It's just that this way off eating is very affordable, you get everything in when it comes to nutritions, and it can count on mass appreciation when you show such a plate on the internet. And it's good if prepared well. So it has it's pro's. During crisis, it feeds the nation, so I should not look down on it. It's just that untill the crisis broke out, untill I had to eat at de Boed actually, I could call myself a foodie. With several creative cookbooks on the shelves. By renowed Dutch chefs who have put their heart and soul in it. I loved trying all sorts off food, and work with receipes from these books and the internet. When eating at de Boed, I could display my talent several times. I was allowed to cook foods in their professional health care institute kitchen several times, and I had an almost professional soup kitchen where I could play. The results where always perfect. Always very satisfied eaters, fancy old audiences who could appreciate, and ratchet fellow client men with their heart at my feet for my food. 

I don't seek an audience for my food work these days. Just playing around in the kitchen would be great, like we used to in the good old '10's. It's just that it's more expensive than ever. I had a thought where with Saturn, Aries could grid the stones in it's stomach for these expensive prices, while with Uranus some time ago he could enjoy great foods. (Saturn in Aries will be from 2025 untill 2028, The Uranus in Aries transit was from 2011 untill 2019) Neptune, the great inspirator, will be in it for a longer period. And maybe it's Neptune that gives me that inspiration. It's just that sad insight that with Saturn in Aries, the world can grid the stones in their stomach when it comes to food. Just a sincere thought. Saturn in Taurus will give us the tableware but no foods on it, and Saturn in Gemini will finally make us (all, also the low incomes.) eat again in moderation. It's really a sad insight. With these food prices. I don't litterally have to grid stones, I have to duck prices with potatoes, vegetables and meat. And I heard the prices even will be increased. Just like the energy costs. You could say I'm lucky for not litterally having to grid the stones in my stomach, I should be gratefull for it, and a care taker would rant I'd better be, since 'there are so many sad and sore people who can't eat to begin with' and so on. It just doesn't make the foodie in me happy. Untill 2019, I had diffrent acces to foods, with affordable  XLAlbert Heijns beyond the corner. Or if it would have been like this, I would have just been stretching my leggs to Aldi and Lidl. But those times are over. I live very far off from shops in this current town. I mainly order from the Picnic grocery app. It comes in very handy, and it's fruits and vegetables always look perfect. I hope it's fresh fruits I can grid instead off stones. But I'm too poor to be working my hobby as a foodie. I can just still eat good. Old fashioned way healthy, and have three meals a day. But I'd better forget it when it comes to big masterpieces in the kitchen. I think the New Moon in Aries doesn't give the right inspiration this time, as a warming up to the upcoming transits. Planets in Aries make me very creative in the kitchen. It causes inspiration to do so. It's not known for it, but it has that effect on me. Combined with the old Pluto in Capricorn, my food was a true work off art at that time. I call it my Ikigai, like how Japanese call such energy. It's a waste off money nowadays. Money we better be spare with. 

'Armoede houd een mens knap.' (Poverty keeps a person decent.) Like how an old neighbour used to say often before she died. Being this poor, I don't have to be concerned causing witchcraft in the kitchen, and lose my mind over an own-thought out receipe and become delusional about something, and it gets too good to be true when I do so. Messy kitchens, and health care that can't keep me under control when I do so. I can't control myself when I let it run out too freely. But then I would finally be practicing a hobby again. Most off the time, I'm not that free anymore with creative energy. I keep myself a bit caught up. To not make this flat messy. Since they would not like me to do that. There's a lot off reasons to be moderate at the moment. But I feel inspired to do things. Maybe I should practice my inspiration a bit diffrent, or follow a few parts instead off some idiotic things. Otherwise I might fall in love with an unknown man again I got delusional about. Delusions can be that lethal. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   


zondag 2 maart 2025

Good morning at the 2nd off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

Tonight it's cold outside in The Netherlands. 


Today is not for sharing a baking, since I had a friend over for a tea visit yeaterday. I had too little time to bake something. But I think it's not that much off an issue. And little do we have to celebrate. People can sign in their tax forms. Whooptiedo. It's really not much off a festive weekend, also taking in consideration what happened in the Oval office related to world peace. I think to have baked would have been inapropriate. Simply to have had someone over for tea is not a crime. But my fellow clients hopefully will get it. Though I think I'm going to hear they miss it today. 

I'm a bit sensitive for what's appropriate, and what isn't. I try not to be unsensitive or ignorant with things. Most off the times I care, untill I realize it's a waste off my energy and it stops. Sometimes I'm a bit hard headed in that. It's important to care, and be capable to take care. If not for someone else, then certainly for one's self. We should not be selfish, spoiled and indulged, but the basics for life need maintaining. Even in these times. It's important to care enough for yourself to do it. 

I think Natasha Marchal only cares for the make-up and the lipstick I wear. Not for the message and the blogs I have written about her. Shallow and empty hearted as she always has been. My beauty doesn't depend on make-up. And it's not the latest limited edition in make-up that gets you there. She wish she could get it with make-up. But that's all she cares about. In my head, I saw people caking on thick layers off vulgair make-up after my previous blog, thinking they could get close to look like me that way. (But it's a diffrent kind off beauty. Simply to splurge make-up for it is not my thing.) Not even caring about what I said. I think Natasha Marchal is jealouse at my beauty, thinks Mark is in love with me, and can't stand me for that reason. It's such a tut. And she doesn't listen to what I have to say. That itches most about it from my side. It's not the Catrice limited edition that does it. But I think there's no sane conversation possible with that woman. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  



zaterdag 1 maart 2025

Good morning at the 1st off March, 2025.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today promises to be dreary and cold. 


Natasha Marchal thinks, or rather forcefully would insist, I would forgive her the owl wicker from 2014. That owl was a scam. It was as if she was scapegoating me, and it was really screwing me over after I made up my mistakes with Mark in private messages. That's what happened, and then they came up with that really insultive owl. It was not right what they did with it. As if it was another snitch to me personally. It's not forgiven. It was really offensive and she should have known better than to put up such an insult after things to have been sensitivily to have been made up. At least with her husband, since such an insult is enough to put on the weblog again. Just like her snatchy remark at Keltfest 2015. She was utmost mean towards me on both events. Back in your cage, bitch! And forget it, we're not friends, and appearently, we never have been. I'm so happy I can state that freely on my own weblog, and Vana Events isn't a dictatorship with actuall powers in the real world. Where I'm free to speak. Power comes with responsibility, and actually sensing what's right and what isn't. What you can and can not do. Not everything is legit. 

Natasha Marchal may appear weak, but it's all nasty cruel meanness underneath. She's not what she appears to be. She's ink black evil on the inside and you should know. It's not what everyone thinks she is. It's no miracle Mark divorced the evil snake. She's really venomous. And she should behave. Knowing what and what not to say when something is sensitive. You can't put up everything towards me. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.