Good afternoon everyone,
It's dreary, cold and cloudy in Zaandijk today.
I would like to answer a personal matter today on this weblog. Do I have a childwish? So to say, does something in me long to have children? It's something most common women would murder over according to them, and it's a hormonal matter.
But as far as I can feel, I'm 31, and I feel perfectly at peace not to have them at all. It's fine with me. I feel way too relaxed to be a mom-to-be-zilla. And I have never met Mister Right. I think we can end that question here. It's as simple as pooping on the toilet: It's no.
I know there are rumors about it, maybe I'm acting the way I do because I desperately, overwhelmingly wish to have a child. But that's never been the case. I'm a bit off a justice seeker, and I'm an internet hero. My mission for infinity and beyond is way more important. I'm content with life as long as I can be a local superhero. As far as it goes, I'd rather don't want to have a kid since my circumstances are too bad to have one.
Some people think they know how I think, and what makes me act the way I do. But they don't and they never have. I let most men go because off bad circumstances, I haven't went after one recently. Life is good without children, I'm fine. 😉
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.
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