zaterdag 17 februari 2024

Good afternoon at the 17th off February, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's somewhat cold and cloudy today. 


My good deed off the day, I'm sorry, I could not resist, was to purchase two boxes off cream puffs. One plain and one with custard inside covered with chocolate, and share them at de Boed during coffee time.  

I was at the local market this morning and I could not resist to purchase these. 1 euro a box. But when going home I was like: 'I can't eat all off these myself, that would be too much for me. What to do with them? Hmmm, share at de Boed.' And it was a good idea. Care staff served them on a rectangular plate and in my eyes, it looked as plenty and fancy as the dessert department off a wok restaurant. I think I really made fellow clients glad with it this afternoon. I'm sensitive for how food is served and on what kind off plate. (I love fancy kitchenware.) I can't stand the crisis to have made nice kitchenware so damn expensive. But I still can get away with what I got 'on the shelves.' It's not state off the art new, but this is a crisis and I think it's still fine. 

People don't realize they can easily do with their ktichenware for several years. Instead off folowing the next hype. But maybe I have no right to speak. I was into purchasing nice stuff all the time back in the days when it was still affordable. Nowadays I'm more spare with what I got but it still works for me. Maybe I should go with that vibe. Not the 'I love kitchenware, let's hoard.' vibe, that's so 2018. But with the 'It's a crisis and let's be sober.' vibe, which does it nowadays. And de Boed still has it's pain and simple kitchenware after years, which is boring and sober but which still does it for them. If they're lucky, the food speaks for itself and it doesn't need it any more fancy. But that is if all off us are lucky. But it's not a restaurant, and usually I have to accept 'It is what it is.' and it's on the boring side. It's my personal challenge to practice more gratitude. Though it's still hard a lot off times with them.   

I can't share the idea too much off sharing. We live in a crisis, and the way things are is murdurous. If we share what we can, I think this is a bit more doable than when we would live it selfish. Even if it's just a pastry with coffee in my case today. I wish more people would be less selfish. But it's a hard discipline for some so it seems, and as far as that goes, I mention they make the main opinion among others. I don't know what this country would look like if that was not the case. Maybe I'm too optimistic about mankind. And selfish is just the way it is. I'm sorry to say. I have the idea the main religions would not neet to excist, waiting for the messiah to come or come back to enlight us, if we would do it all ourselves with planet earth. What if we would truly become enlightned and start to lend each other a hand and share? What if we would become so good the messiah, or Jesus for that matter, would be proud off us if he would come back? Somehow I think the messiah story is not true and they make us run like a donkey after a carrot tied to a bike for it. 

Still I believe mankind could do better than what they do nowadays. It's just in ourselves. And sometimes even I lose hope with that idea if I look at the world surrounding us. I feel such depression, such negativity in the air. In my heart. When I look around and feel. These times are so hard and negative, I think I learned to know mankind a bit better than I did in my naive youth. Still I don't approve off their selfishness. But that's my opinion. And maybe I'm too much off a justice seeker with it and it makes me annoying among others. I display how I think, I act, but I never shove it under their nose. I don't want to start a discussion with, say, an agressive, selfish gorilla off a man with little understanding or his dolled up wife on how I think. I think that simply would not work. I've learned mankind is not pleased when you discuss the matter. It's kinda hard. If I'm lucky, some, say, some people are open for it. But most are not. I wish they where. I must say, mankind is hard to deal with. 

Still, I think we would do good, especially nowadays, to share a bit more among each other. I wish mankind was more easy. Especially during these times. But maybe I'm the hard one. I'm not perfect either. Nobody is perfect. I just wish people would see it more my way. It would make life easier. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  


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